Cas turned his focus back to his food, silently chiding himself for getting flustered for no reason. He hadn’t meant to suggest anything with the hug, but there was a part of him that felt a little giddy about touching a girl as attractive as she was. It was stupid, he knew. He didn’t want to put any moves on her before she got her memories back. What if she had a boyfriend who would call to pick her up soon? Or what if she wasn’t receptive to his advances and it just made everything awkward? He definitely didn’t want to risk putting himself or her in a worse situation just because of one bad idea. [color=#b97703]“You may be a puzzle, but we’re putting more pieces together every day,”[/color] he pointed out, finishing off the rest of his sandwich as a means to keep from meeting her gaze while he recovered from his embarrassment. It was true enough. The day he’d found her, she had recalled her first name, and ever since then, little details had continued to return to her as well. At the rate she was going, he had a feeling she wouldn’t need more than a few weeks at most to remember who she was. If her family came to get her before then, it could be even faster. When she asked what he wanted to do, he finally turned to look at her. It had been long enough that the remnants of the blush had faded from his cheeks. [color=#b97703]“I’m still down to watch a movie,”[/color] he said with a smile. The thought of kicking his feet up and sitting around with her for a couple hours sounded amazing. It had been a pretty busy day, after all. He felt like he’d earned a good, long break. Plus, the house staff rarely ventured into the theater, so they would have some time to themselves. He liked the idea of being able to keep talking with her so openly, without worrying about someone eavesdropping on their conversation. At her mention of his friends, he shrugged. [color=#b97703]“They’ll survive without me for a few days,”[/color] he assured her. Thinking back to his text chat with Jay and Miles, he added: [color=#b97703]“Actually, they said they want to meet you.”[/color] He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. [color=#b97703]“I told them a little about what happened, because they wanted to know what I’ve been doing lately. Not everything, of course, and I told them it was up to you, but yeah… If you’re okay with it, they’ll probably come by to visit at some point.”[/color] Noticing that she was watching him more closely than usual, he blinked. Did he have something on his face? He dragged the back of his hand across his mouth but didn’t feel anything. [color=#b97703]“What are you staring at?”[/color] he asked, deciding to be direct instead of guessing. [color=#b97703]“I don’t think I’m that interesting, am I?”[/color]