[b]Lynn[/b] No. [i]No.[/i] This was not the Lollipop Guild, or the YMCA, or the Sunshine House. Lynn was not dealing with any more greasers who wanted to whine about the Soc's. Another girl came up saying they were the outsiders, so she was hanging with them. She also didn't acknowledge Lynn, which did give her a moment's pause. Lynn sized her up briefly. Looked like a Nirvana fan. Looked edgy. Lynn stared at her jeans for a minute. Lynn had tried to take a pair of those off the rack once, or at least ones like em. They were close to a hundred dollars, and this girl had torn holes in them. [i]Yeah, I bet being one of the cool kids is a real struggle, isn't it?[/i] Plus, Lynn was miffed about the puking comment. She didn't know if that was targeted at her specifically or not, but Lynn wasn't feeling it. Lynn turned back to her meal, focusing intently on her food. She wasn't going to get in trouble for starting shit on the first day, but these people were making it hard. Farm Boy responded to her, and that did throw her for a loop. North Carolina? An island? Lynn's brain started whirling, but she had no idea of what that place was. A fishing place didn't make any sense. Hmm. She glanced back over at him. Fishing and farming were pretty close. Fishing is just boat farming. She wasn't really that far off the mark, you know. Working with his old man was interesting. Lynn got the feeling there was a missing piece or two in Archie's family reunion jigsaw puzzle, which at least garnered him a notch of respect in her book. Then he made the lava lamp comment and Lynn's eyes narrowe. She couldn't figure out what Fish Farmer was up to. If this was some kind of game, he was either a genius, or playing terrible. She just nodded. [i]I think he's an idiot, and it's not worth getting the needle over an idiot.[/i] Lynn told herself. She could almost hear the juvy appointed counselor's smiling words at that. [i]Oh fuck right off, old man.[/i] Lynn blinked and stared at her food. [i]Christ, I'm going crazy.[/i] Then he turned the question back on her, and Lynn felt like an idiot. [i]I walked into a conversation. I just wanted to eat. Damnit.[/i] "Here and there," Lynn said, taking another bite. She tried to put as much emphasis as possible into the silent period at the end of that sentence so as to deter further questioning. Lynn's plan was to focus on her food until Fish Farm asked another icebreaker or New Girl asked her if they wanted to go throw rocks at the principal's Mercedes when the shy one started to flip her shit. Now this was something interesting. Her collar blinked some different colors as she got more pissed off. Lynn took note of that, and it sobered her up quick. [i]There are worse things than the needle on this fucking trash can.[/i] Still, it made Lynn grin. Okay. She was getting it now. If Archie was one of the big dogs, and this girl was too, Lynn wasn't about to let them be the only ones to hump the fire hydrant. "Jesus Christ, Spoons," Lynn said. "It's that easy to rile you up? They don't need a collar to keep you in line, just a Valium. At least knock the air out of this one when you go mental," Lynn nodded at Amelia. "If someone complains about fitting in one more time they're going to put you in the next Disney movie." Lynn turned back to her food and resumed eating. "And go bitch about your civil liberties somewhere else. If you don't think this place is wired you're out of your mind, and I'm not going necklace shopping on day one." Lynn knew the key to this strategic shit talking was the final point. She looked back at her food and did not make eye contact, relaxed and steady. Lynn had been in some rough situations before - she didn't know what these three had done, or what they could do, but Lynn would've bet what few bucks she had that they'd never been in this situation before. Surrounded by people all deadlier than you, maybe who wanted to kill you. Maybe Spoons and Miss Anarchy could wreck her. Lynn figured she could knock out a few teeth at least, but maybe they'd wreck her. Wouldn't matter if they didn't think they could. Lynn wanted them to know, truly, she did not care. At least Necklace had been quiet until she had a breakdown. Good Lord, if this was day one, Lynn was steering clear once prom season came around and she didn't get a ticket. And New Girl was looking for trouble, but she was gonna get the hammer first and fast. Lynn didn't intend to be in the blast radius of either of those two. Lynn finished her plate and slurped on her drink, full and content. She debated asking Necklace to go fetch her thirds, but figured poking the bear that far probably wasn't wise. [i]Never thought I'd be the stable one in the room.[/i]