[color=f49ac2][i]We’re putting more pieces together…[/i][/color] His words had made her smile, it implied that he was willing to help and that they were working it out together. It honestly made her feel warm, that someone was willing to look out for her and help and it was such a wonderful feeling. Of course, she was certain her family would help when she found them but for now, he was willing too and how could she refuse. Grinning when he said he was still up for the movie she was quite excited to see this home theatre, it sounded amazing and who didn’t love watching movies? Plus, if the movie was boring, they could still talk, and she was quite comfortable when it came to talking with him. It was strange but he always seemed so calm, relaxed and she was sure he probably had a lot going on too, but he was pushing that aside to help her. She was shocked when he mentioned his friends wanted to meet her, she honestly hadn’t expected it but at the same time it sounded quite exciting to meet them. [color=f49ac2]“I’d love to meet them! Who knows maybe they will help bring back memories of my own friends? And I’m sure you have some sort of games room I could embarrass them with.”[/color] Speaking quite confidently as if she could beat anyone when it came to games, she was probably rubbish but it sounded like a lot of fun and she was sure that they could both use it. Plus, his friends sounded decent and she was curious to know who he was friends with, getting to know them might actually help her in getting to know herself. When she had returned to watching him, she didn’t expect him to call her out on it, flustered her cheeks flared a crimson as she looked away rather quickly picking up her glass of water to finish. [color=f49ac2]“I wasn’t staring at you!”[/color] She stated abruptly, voice high as she tried to defend her actions. [color=f49ac2]“Why would you be interesting to stare at?”[/color] Scoffing to herself she placed the glass down before shaking her head slightly, [color=f49ac2]“Sorry… I guess I [i]kind of[/i] was. I mean I take back my last comment, you are fairly interesting.”[/color] Teasing him gently as she hoped off of the bar stool grabbing her crutches. [color=f49ac2]“It’s not everyday [i]Prince charming[/i] rescues a damsel in distress…”[/color] Iris couldn’t even finish the last of her sentence without laughing, she was only teasing him, and it was clear, but she found it highly amusing. [color=f49ac2]“Shall we go watch that movie?”[/color] Smiling as she calmed down from her laughs, it had been a while since she had a proper good laugh, but it felt good. Not caring for her worries or fears felt amazing and she was sure she could allow herself a day or two to settle in, get some rest and heal up before she worried about the idea that no one was coming for her.