[center][h3]Father Thomas[/h3][/center] [hr] Thomas had watched enough YouTube Videos and TLC episodes of [i]How thing are made.[/i] to make one crazy. He had started to nod off. Dressed in a cassock with a security hat and florescent orange vest, he headed out armed with a stick, a dog treat, a couple bolts and a washer, and of course the maglight flashlight - one of the five battery models, big enough to crack a skull. Thomas headed to check out the large crash that had woke him. The first thing he did was what any respectable person would do, he got backup. He took with him the one dog that liked him in the yard. She was a tough junk yard dog, so tough that she might lick you to death. "Okay, we've got to check this out. If someone is stealing stuff, we call the cops. No hero stuff," he said to the dog. If his last name was O'flannery or McMullen, he would go bust some heads with his Irish temper. But he had none of that in him. One of the strippers said that he reminded her of the Priest from [i]the Thorn Birds[/i] to another one of the ladies. [i]"That would make him a lover, not a fighter,"[/i] he thought then told himself to worry about the intruder. The last time that he had really tried to sneak was when he and a couple of his buddies snuck into the girls locker room, they didn't see anything. But they were there. Again he reminded himself, to worry about the intruder and not his "glory days." He started praying to the Blessed Mother, Saint Eligius of Noyon, Michael the Archangel, and Saint Mathew as he waked. The dog was to his right side and walked with the flashlight turned off in his left. He walked down the center of the isles of cars. Confident as a man with a two in bolt and a dog that would lick the intruder to death. He came a cross a man that appeared to be moving cars. Thomas lifted the flashlight up above his left shoulder about eye level and clicked it on. Bathing the gentleman in the bright white light of high powered LED's. In his best impression of Isabella from [i]Phineaus and Ferb[/i] he asked the question, "What ya' doing?" trying to seem non-threatening after realizing he left his phone in the office.