Superboy was ready to counter Bane's attack when he saw Batman get between them. As much as he wanted to do what Bane did to Wolf, Batman was right and he needed to retreat. So he did. Batman was to help with the escape and capture Bane and Superboy retreated to meet with his team. When the team got back outside, a portal opened up for them and Kid Flash made a beeline for it. He went through to it to find himself back at base though no one was manning the controls for it physically. Riza froze and stiffened at the touch for a bit before relaxing. She honestly expected some sort of hostility or scolding, but nothing came. Just reassurance and gentle words. When being asked if she was alright seemed like the keywords for her to let everything out. But she didn't. Instead, she lifted her head with a smile on her lips though it was completely fake. Much like her father and mother, she could smile through the worst to not let anything negative show. "Just needed a moment. I'm fine. Just thinking things through." She told Strange though she knew never to lie. Riza stood up and dusted off her pants before walking toward the door. She stood at the doorway and moment before turning her head slightly. "How did they do it? Dad, mom, and the rest? How did they get through it all?"