With the brief recap for the new arrivals, the goddess firmly grasped Dahlia's hand and hurried her up the stairs. There really wasn't much that Dahlia could think of. Architecture wasn't her primarily field of study. But librarians were researchers! If she had the vast wealth of knowledge held within the pages of the library, she could surely make small talk about the architecture of the building. Wait, she was in someone else's home. She couldn't quickly run off into a dark hovel to study up on a conversation topic. Not now, at least. Up the next flight of stairs they went, arriving at a more open area. Three doors, one with a big A. No doubt standing for "Athena". Though, there was always a chance that it stood for something more cryptic like Aesop or Ass-kicking room. Nonetheless, they entered the Ass-kicking room. It was a lot more empty than Dahlia expected. The rooms of the librarians (especially her own!) were always extreme messes of books stacked to the roof, loose papers everywhere, and the occasional librarian who mixed up rooms. Athena then announced that it was her room. Made a lot more sense than Ass-kicking, Dahlia honestly thought. With the announcement of getting right into it (of course, it was probably good to do this quickly as there were so many people waiting behind her), Dahlia complied. The room was looked clean enough. Gods and goddesses weren't allowed to do most of the icky things that made the bedrooms of mortal folk so disgusting. [b]"Well alrighty,"[/b] Dahlia said as she began to take off her layers. First was the large overcoat, which she neatly folded up and placed on the ground. She then removed the hooded jacket, placing it on top of the overcoat. Next, she pulled off the thick wool turtleneck sweater, revealing a thin undershirt. Taking that off revealed yet another layer: a thin under-undershirt that barely covered her torso. Finally taking that layer off, a tight linen wrap that supported her chest had the metal hooks keeping it in place taken out and her back was finally free to experience open air. She carefully placed all of the clothes on top of each other, save for the wraps which she held to her chest for modesty. It was actually surprising that, even in the day's heat, Dahlia had the fortitude to endure it. Avoiding the filth of the outside was something worth fighting for. Finally, she took a seat next to the goddess. She didn't speak much during this. After all, she wanted to sear every bit of the process into her retinas. She just looked to the goddess with a great expression of excitement.