[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#556B2F]Luna Braddock - Glimpse[/color][/h1][img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2013-11/enhanced/webdr03/23/12/anigif_enhanced-buzz-5013-1385229156-3.gif[/img][hr] [color=#556B2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside ---> The Garage -- The Mutant Underground, Washington D.C. [color=#556B2F][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] As Luna hunted for her phone on her person, the sky seemed to open up and finalize the day. She looked up at the sky and allowed the rain to pelt her face. She was soaked in seconds and Luna was glad she at least wasn’t wearing her leathers. That would be difficult to try and pry off alone. She stood there a moment, listening to the roar of the rain drain the roaring in her head. The isolation was soothing for a time but unproductive. She shifted her weight and made her way to the compound but went around the building to the garage she had put her bike in the day before. Once in a dry area, Luna sighed at the sudden silence. It wasn’t deafening at least, what with the pouring rain outside. Luna walked over to her bike, pulling off her jacket and shirt as she went in order to put on something dry from her pack. She used her semi dry shirt that she had been wearing to soak up some of the water from her hair. The nice part about her cutting it short before she got here was now it would dry quicker. Once she was semi warm, Luna pulled out her phone and hit Xavier’s button. It was number three on her list of recently called numbers so that made hunting for it easier. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#556B2F]Luna Braddock - Glimpse[/color] & [color=00aeef]Charles Xavier[/color][/h1][/center] Luna supposed she could have telepathically reached out to Xavier but that wasn't always reliable and the man was the one with Cerebro. She turned and leaned against her bike, waiting for the line to pick up. [color=#556B2F]"You better pick up old man, I swear..."[/color] It took a few moments, but eventually she would hear the sound of someone answering the phone on the other end. [color=00aeef]"Hello Glimpse, I have been expecting a call from you. Things do not seem to be going too well are they?"[/color] Xavier's voice responded on the other end. From his words it seemed somewhat obvious that he already knew what was going on with things for the most part. Luna shifted at the sound of Xavier's voice and she sighed. Of course he already knew. [color=#556B2F]"Not in the ideal way, no. I'll cut to the chase Xavier, the information you gave me has holes, holes that I couldn't fill with my own research but demanded being filled by certain people here. It couldn't be achieved and now my connections have been burned. Why did you send me here? These people are nothing but children who don't want to play this particular game."[/color] There was frustration within Luna's voice but the attitude was still curbed and she spoke with as much respect as she could in this moment. [color=00aeef]"It may seem that way, but whether you believe it or not they do have their reasons for not trusting you, you are essentially an outsider to them, and trust is not something that is easily given. Try not to let that get you down, they are good people there, and likely will help you."[/color] [color=#556B2F]"I understand that but a certain degree is needed in order to get us anywhere, is it not? If you have complete lack of trust in someone from the beginning, your guard is automatically going to be up and you're going to be looking for a problem and flaws. You know how the brain works better than anyone Xavier, how easily it can manifest hate and any other emotion. That isn't the point though, I understood fully I was walking into a family who has built a very thin veil of trust within their group and with the information I carried and unfortunate public opinion, I knew this wasn't going to be like everything else but they were utterly opposed to the whole idea of it from the beginning. They weren't in it when we went for that recon mission. So I need you to tell me why you chose these people or I'm going at it alone."[/color] Luna would figure out a way to prove herself to them, Sapphire and Havok in particular if she needed to, just so that they trusted she at the very least wasn't out to get them all killed. Yes, Luna should have done more digging, hell she should have done the recon on her own first to learn how much of a pain Shaw had become to get in touch with but she also didn't think she would have been treated this poorly. She was on her own here and after the trauma of the day she was feeling it a bit more than she would normally bring attention to. [color=00aeef]"I understand that, but you need to understand the perspectives of those you are trying to get on your side. Sapphire and Havok have their reasons for not trusting others, as does just about everyone else,"[/color] he said simply, having read her thoughts once more clearly. [color=00aeef]"It may seem out of reach to earn their trust, but it is not impossible. Understanding one another is the first step towards earning one another's trust."[/color] Luna sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. [color=#556B2F]"You still haven't told me why you want me to remain working with these people or why you even wanted me to in the first place."[/color] [color=00aeef]"The Underground is a group dedicated to helping mutants who are in need of it, and the Hellfire Club is causing much of their problems. That is why, they need the help, and they need to understand that the situation is bigger than just them. That mutants will keep being in danger and on the run if the Hellfire Club continues their activities the way they have been."[/color] Luna relaxed a bit with Xavier's words. Some of his speech made her uncomfortable but only because there was truth in it and things she needed to work on in order to make this temporary alliance work. His words on the Mutant Underground set her at ease for the most part. It seemed he was trying to convince her she would need to be the one to do the convincing. [color=#556B2F]"What of the Morlocks and their recent troubles? How will that now factor into the Hellfire Club and the Hound program?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Of that I am unsure... Though the fact that they had some hand in the attack on the Morlocks is a bit concerning..."[/color] [color=#556B2F]"They must have found out a location for the Morlocks by capturing one of them for the Hound Program,"[/color] Luna mused. Shaw and his cronies were getting more comfortable here. [color=#556B2F]This whole bloody thing is starting to go all to pot but the Morlocks may be willing to help. I am sure you will hear from me again Xavier and if you gather any more information, you know how to reach me the fastest."[/color] [color=00aeef]"It is certainly something to think about. I will let you know if I come across anything... Just remember though Glimpse, understanding is the first step towards trusting, you need to understand the other's point of view, in order to get started on the road to gaining their trust."[/color] [color=#556B2F]”Always teaching Professor. Thanks,”[/color] she said before hanging up. [color=#556B2F]”AKA Luna, get your bloody head out of your arse,”[/color] Luna translated Xavier’s words into a more hard hitting fashion. She sighed and plugged her phone in before claiming the back seat to one of the cars that remained here. It would be best if she remained separated from the group for the night and get a fresh start in the morning. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#FFDAB9]Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker[/color][/h1][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BrownMammothJoey-max-1mb.gif[/img][hr] [color=#FFDAB9][b]Location[/b][/color]: The First Floor, Mutant Underground -- Washington D.C. [color=#FFDAB9][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Cayden stayed with the kids, ready to start them moving on getting ready for their little indoor stargazing extravaganza. He smiled softly as he watched everyone else work and remained doing so even while Veil was being examined and worked on. No need to get all anxious when it seemed to be fairly under control. That would just upset the kids. His attention drifted over to the TV as Negasonic brought everyone’s attention to it. He watched it, his eyes slowly widening as a giant nail appeared out of nowhere and slammed into one of the cop cars. That, was completely not good. There wasn’t even a remotely good thing about it. The report turned worse when a man came on, preaching about deputizing the Purifiers. Seriously not good. [color=#FFDAB9]”Alright, I think we should all head up stairs now, what do you think? We can claim all the good spots to watch the stars ya?”[/color] Cayden grinned at the kids and looked over to the stairs. They seemed to shine a bit and he frowned, walking over and looked up. He got hit a couple of times with rain drops. Great. He tapped his foot on the step. [color=#FFDAB9]”New plan. Find what you can, we’re going to make a fort in the garage.”[/color]