[@veenknight343]Ayame Izumi is good, I don't see any major issues in her background. She is [b]ACCEPTED[/b]. Feel free to post her in the character section. [@glwgameplayer] The Sowerberry is a very good design and a fitting edition for the John Carter Project. Thank you for listening to my feedback and making a Gundam fitting for the setting, but still lining up with what you wanted out of it. Denzel also looks great, though there's a piece of broken formatting in his background. The 'code' command used to give the computer effect doesn't allow any other formatting inside of it. The Rabble Rouser is also an OK custom Mobile Worker as well, and fitting for Denzel. Denzel, the Sowerberry, and the Rabble Rouser are all [b]ACCEPTED[/b].