Kevej settled in his chair a bit. As bad as things looked people were dealing with it, [i]business as usual[/i]. "Andrea, how far did we actually manage to make it before some bastard crippled us?" He started back out of his seat again, frantically making it look like he was doing something. Dammit, if it wasn't like the captain could teleport around this damned ship! She shared quick word with Andrea before heading away. Kevej tentatively settled back into his seat. *bleep* *bleep bleep* He leaned forward again, [i]'No rest for the wicked'[/i]. A quick few flicks across several instruments and... There it was! A ship contact, it was too far out right now to distinguish size or class but there it was. In a perfect galaxy this would bring elation at being rescued, but this wasn't a perfect galaxy. [color=violet]"Dammit, Andrea, you see this ship on sensors?"[/color] he didn't wait for an answer before grabbing the ship comms. [color=violet]"Captain, we've got a ship on scanners. It's too far out to get a reading or heading."[/color] he cut comms and cursed under his breath. There was little else to do until it got into sensor range expect pray it wasn't pirates. [i]Please let it not be pirates.[/i]