[center][h2]Jerus Je'and-Leading the Charge[/h2][/center] Jerus hummed quietly to himself as the LAA/T had soared through the void of space, the members of Gundark Platoon silent all around him. Their mission wasn't to secure the hangar, it was why they followed behind Spartan Company. The former bounty hunter had served with the Republic Remnant and watched them board enough pirate, slaver, and Imperial vessels to know that the Spartans would do their job well. No, Jerus' mission was to take Gundark and support the squads of boarders that their allies were sending from the left flank, ensuring that none of the Imperial defenders could move around to flank from the left or the rear while also securing the escape pods. Seconds after the sounds of blaster fire had erupted as the LAA/T was set down, he and Gundark unloaded and were already pushing hard on the left side of the hangar, his blaster pistol sending high accuracy bolts into the visors of Clones who stayed exposed for too long with Gundark offering additional fire. Soon the Imperials were on the retreat and Jerus wasted no time in giving chase. {Fire team alpha, move on those escape pods. Bravo and Delta, keep sweeping for stragglers and secure any data terminals you come across. Charlie, you're with me.} Holster his pistol, Jerus pulls the hilt of his lightsaber from his belt and leads the way into halls, the silver and orange blades igniting as the first wave of blaster fire flies towards them from a trio of Imperial Clones, one of them carrying a Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon. Jerus spun his double bladed lightsaber in front of him and the troops behind him as they opened fire in response. The exchange was brief but intense as the aim of the 302nd clones proved more than a match for the defenders. First the two with DC-15e's were dropped by well placed shots from two clones on either side of the Force Wielder and the heavy trooper met his end from the combined fire of his own deflected bolts and those from Fire team Charlie. Using hand signals to send his fire team off to his right, Jerus pushed straight ahead, unaware that he was soon to cross paths with the forces from the [i]Immaculate Aegis[/i]. Stopping outside a small room, he listened to the sounds of the clones inside it taking up defensive positions and setting up, from the sounds of it, a mounted blaster turret. Counting to three, Jerus builds up a powerful Force Push in his hand before thrusting it towards the doors and blasting them inwards. There was a surprised cry from behind the dour as the sound of both machinery and a body being crushed came from the wall the door impacted before the son of two Jedi flew into the room, his double-sided blade lashing out. Two Clones on the right side of the room went down, their bodies hitting the floor as their own bolts are deflected back at them. Another that had avoided the door found himself sliced in two as Jerus spun around from deflecting another flurry, though those bolts all impacted the walls and other entrance. Meanwhile, Eri'Moram continued her leaps forwards, using the Hardlight Shield and energy lance to make quick work of the Imperial Clones in the hallways as her squad provided cover fire for her and moved with the 302nd's clones to push through other fortified rooms and halls. As she finally reached the door behind which the sounds of fighting were most intense and opened it, the last Clone was flying through the air towards Jerus, who spun around the airborne clone and beheaded him. Noticing the four-jawed alien, he nods. "Sorry, didn't mean to-" He cuts his own sentence short as he sends the lightsaber spinning through the air and taking out a pair of Imperial clones who were attempting to sneak up on the Sangheili. It returned to it's owner as easily as it had left him and he pushed on, moving past her. "Watch your six, never know where these guys might pop up at this point." The lightsaber wielding man rushed back into the fray, his lightsaber spinning and deflecting as he vanished back into the halls. [hr] [center][h2]Boarding Pod inbound on Starfighter Tower[/h2][/center] Jason stood silently with his helmet upon his head, the Scorch Guard, a small, elite force of ARC Troopers and Elite Special Forces that Jason had hand picked and had proven themselves several times over. The boarding pod they were aboard was closing in on the Starfighter control tower, which had been reported as one of the fall back points for the defenders in the even they couldn't all rally outside the bridge. The battle plan was to take their last fall back point and pinch them between the allied forces pushing out from the hangar and himself and his Scorch Guard. "Impact in ten seconds, sir." Nodding to the man watching the timer, Jason and the Guard braced for impact. Upon the sensation of it burrowing through the metal of the tower room, the boarding door opened and Jason lead the way through, dropping down and bringing his blaster cannon up as it warmed up to fire...except all that was in the room was the members of the [i]Daedalus[/i]'s crew from the meeting before and what he could only assume to be foot soldiers of somekind armed with their own rifles, all aimed at the pod as the Scorch Guard dropped in behind him, their own blaster rifles picking targets. A quick scan of the room showed that the Clones who should have been stationed in here were no where to be found and the doors leading into the room were undamaged, meaning they hadn't breached and come from the hangar, not that they could have with as many Imperials as were still between them and this very room. "Well, I think you should explain how you're here before the rest of our forces."