When Iris said the day was getting better and better, Ca had to agree. What had started out as a normal weekday with a boring economics lesson and no certainty about what was going to happen to her was turning out to be the best day he’d had in a while. He’d enjoyed seeing her reaction when he had picked her up from the hospital, and he’d even had a good time walking around with her at the mall. Now, with a full stomach and a great movie to watch, it was all adding up to be an exciting afternoon. He was glad that she seemed to like his choice of movie too. After everything she’d told him, he’d had a feeling this would be a good one for her taste, but seeing the smile on her face just made it even better. He hadn’t known her for very long now, but he was starting to take pride in being able to make her light up with such enthusiasm. It was a good look on her, and it put a grin on his lips too. Part of him really hoped she didn’t have a boyfriend, so when she finally got her memories back, he could ask her out without it being weird. However, he didn’t want to let his hopes get too high. Someone as fun and beautiful as her had to have a been snatched up by someone else already, right? Besides, there was still his father to deal with too. The king had been against both of the dating relationships he’d had in the past, and he hadn’t let him forget it. He already knew that if he was to try again, he was going to get another long lecture about outdated arranged marriages and why having a girlfriend was a “waste of time.” His attention was drawn back to Iris as she teased him about being a spy. [color=#b97703]“I did, actually,”[/color] he confessed, putting his hands up guiltily. [color=#b97703]“When I was a kid, I used to follow the servants around and pretend like they were bad guys I was going to take down. Looking back on it, they were pretty patient for putting up with me.”[/color] He laughed, amused by the memory. [color=#b97703]“I promise I don’t do that anymore though.”[/color] Even if he wanted to, his father would never allow such childish behavior from his heir. Atlas was always pushing him to put on his best face for everyone, so he would be respected as the crown prince. It was part of his grooming to become the next king of Aspiria. He drew his knees closer to his chest, finding the position comfortable as he looked up at the wall of a screen in front of them. Having already seen the movie they were watching, he remembered how the opening scene went. It started [i]in medias res[/i], with the main character in the middle of a high-pressure mission, eavesdropping on criminals through a vent. Of course, he recalled all the events that would lead up to this particular part of the plot, but he knew it was exciting for a first-time viewer. He glanced at Iris, wondering if it was all new to her or if she had seen this film before and was starting to remember it. [color=#b97703]“Recognize any of this?”[/color] he asked. [color=#b97703]“It’s a pretty iconic scene. Maybe you’ve watched it before.”[/color]