Sarah nodded. Regan made some good points she ad to contemplate about. The Onyx would sure leave tracks unless it didn't move through the dirt. It was a good thing they had eyes in the sky, from above it would be easier to see. That the onyx was clever was something Sarah was sure of. she only hoped it wasn't too clever for its own good. Her thoughts got brought back to the here and now when Regan mentioned Girafarig. She reached for the right Pokeball and let out her Girafarig. "This is Gira, and yes, watch out for the tail. The tail has a mind of its own and it bites. I often ride on her." The Girafarig was larger than average and since Sarah was below the average of height she could sit on Gira's back. Gira looked curiously at Regan, making sure the tail was behind both women. Sarah hadn't seen Heracross but she wasn't sure. As far as knew it wasn't listed as pokemon that were seen on the islands. she smiled when Regan got to her conclusion. "Very insightful of you. I have no interest in battling but indeed I am intrigued by the pokemon-trainer relations, so how a pokemon affects its trainer but also the other way around: how a trainer affects their pokemon. Secondly, I want to see how caught pokemon change compared to same wild ones. Which means lots and frequent observing wild ones in the area I caught one." Sarah did realise that a lot of pokemon had different personalities and all trainers had their own way, but she had observed different trainers in the past. The next step was experiencing it herself with a careful set up project. "I still need to work out some details though but that is the general plan." [@CitrusArms]