[@Shard]Alright I'll accept the character. [@Eviledd1984] Strength section isn't meant for his combative pros. Its meant for his physical strength. Why would the Japanese dub him Wild Bill? He's an Japanese man not an American which that particular nickname would come from. Its a minor gripe and can be overlooked but it does raise questions. How does he even get the bullets from his quirk? Does his body generate lead based projectiles? How does he control the bullets in mid air? He can't manipulate them to some distance because that would work towards a wind manipulation perk while yours directly states its controlling the bullets. In terms of short distances it might work but this isn't hellsing. To my knowledge there aren't perks that are similar to that in My Hero. This particular quirk seems to be an amalgam of Object Manipulation, Object Creation, and Wind/Gravity Manipulation.