[center][b][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190926/31bd4b20dc62cacfb6ee647f94aeb56a.png[/img][/b][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1][Color=magenta]Bella Nova[/color] & [color=DarkGoldenrod]Hector Salzaras[/color][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/d3dc33b6be0d3a61ffd087e635b2073d5a7de487/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5458504e78684256626c51652d513d3d2d3435303133323432352e3134666337653933626335363539323233383930373531393036392e676966[/img][img]https://2paragraphs.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/BvVUyq2CQAApPEb.jpg[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Atlanta, Georgia; USA. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Each Other.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Bella stood in the middle of the abandoned out of business factory she still had on the books. There was the intention of repurposing the location to open a strip club, but Bella scrapped the plans and made her quiet space. She didn't to take a step from everything that occurred the day prior. Her company was in the spotlight and though her public relations department presented the incident as a disgruntled worker with powers, there were still questions from the public. [Color=magenta][I]It was a private company assisting mine in the movement of pharmaceuticals... I didn't know they were associated with a cartel. Rita? I don't know her personally. Bad judgement.[/i][/color] Bella used her telekinesis to lift an old filing cabinet and tightened her fists, making it crumple as if was her own hand doing it. [Color=magenta]"Bad fucking judgement... I... I'm going to have to kill that bitch. I know it was her. It wasn't her but... Rita, Jace, and Adora... I know they're working together to take down Hector..."[/color] Loose debri and old broken furniture levitated within the large space as Bella seemed to tremble. [Color=magenta]"BUT THEY WILL NOT BRING ME DOWN WITH HIM!"[/color] Everything remained trapped in the air, but had a menacing vibration to them as the woman looked into nothingness within the dim abandoned factory. Bella's cell phone began to ring, it was a local number that she had not saved in her contacts prior to this. Bella sighed as she heard the generic ringtone echo into the empty area from her pocket. Another call. [Color=magenta]"What now?"[/color] Bella reached into her pocket and didn't even bother to look at the caller I.D. [color=magenta]"Hello?"[/color] She answered rudely. [b][color=DarkGoldenrod]"Unnecessarily Rude Bella."[/color][/b] Hector Salzaras was on the other end. [color=DarkGoldenrod]"I'm here in America, Atlanta to be specific I flew in yesterday. Adora Zayas is dead, I just got confirmation from one of my best as well as evidence, the only loose end now is Rita and I'll be sure to take care of her, as you wisely said there can be nothing or no one that gets between our money."[/color] From the generic phone Hector sent a picture of Adora bloodied, and bruised with a scorched foot and stab wound laying against the debris in the Atlanta Legion HQ that he'd gotten from Taylor Swinn. [color=DarkGoldenrod] "Oh and one more thing Bella be very careful." [/color] Bella almost didn't listen to Hector's words as she took the time to look at the picture that was sent to her phone. [Color=magenta][I]Fuck...[/i][/color] Bella shook her head before replying to Hector's warning. [Color=magenta]"Be very careful? If the bitch is dead, what the hell do I need to be careful of? Oh yeah, the cartel bitch who can grow like a power rangers villain! What the fuck is up with your people!? You're cleaning up this shit, but it's a mess that your group is making. You make me a lot of money, but I don't think it's worth it with all this shit. You're a criminal. That's you. I'm more than that. I cannot be associated with your cartel or our operation is over! No trucks, no security, no front, and that means no business! I like business and you do too."[/color] Hector listened intently he could understand her frustration, for him to come to Atlanta himself was to show his patience was tested & limits reached. [color=DarkGoldenrod]"Allow me to finish if you will Bella, it's not many I let speak to me in this tone. However having played a role in this situation a major one at that I understand. Well first as of all Adora's ability was some sort of body manipulation she could assume the forms of others as well as alter her size. That is why she looks like my sister in the photo I sent of her dead, she died in that form. The reason I said be careful, is my employee who I sent to terminate Adora was captured by an organization called Legion."[/color] He paused wondering if he should really grant this intelligence to Adora, but being that he knew she was amongst those who vanished he wanted her prepared. [color=DarkGoldenrod]“They have some ties with American Government Agencies, there probably international. They don’t play by the rules, from what I know they kill the most dangerous of these empowered individuals, and remove the rest from society. Adora kidnapped Rita, and used her image to protect her own identity but also drive a rift between our organizations, and our money. She attempted to extort me for Rita’s life for $30 million unfortunately I warned my sister of the danger and she did not heed my warning therefore in the event that she is alive she’s a loose end, I’m trying to eliminate, if you happen to see Rita Salzaras or Rita Hernandez and you have access to anyone capable eliminate her.”[/color] [color=DarkGoldenrod]“Lastly I’ve been doing real estate in Mexico & The US for the past 6 years, I just as much as you do not want to be associated with any evidence of an implicatory nature whatsoever. When Adora attempted to extort me she beat Rita within inches of her life, my prayer is that the good Lord took her last breath, and now Jace Williams needs to do the same, Avoid this Legion at all cost any information I obtain I will get to you promptly, I’m ready to get back to business, back to the money.”[/color] Bella took a breath and placed herself on mute as everything floating within the factory fell to the ground creating loud echoed clattering. She unmuted herself to answer Hector promptly. Again, her stress had taken ahold of her. [Color=magenta]"So Jace and maybe Rita... who happens to be your sister... They need to go. I have a guy for that, but I don't want to send him after Jace without knowing his ability. Do you want to meet while you're local. No business, just two successful people enjoying a great meal and maybe even a drink."[/color] [color=DarkGoldenrod]"That'll probably be for the best, set a time and a place, preferably as soon as possible. "[/color] Hector was glad to be on top of things again. It was pleasant news that Adora a superhuman thorn in his side was finally quelled. [color=DarkGoldenrod]"Jace and definently Rita must go, although it's a strong possibility the latter has already left the land of the living that's what I'm looking into right now to make the most of my time in the states. Text this phone with the location and a time it's a secure line, I must go I'll see you shortly;."[/color] Hector hung up and turned to his trusted lieutenant Pedro. [color=DarkGoldenrod]"Bella's on board again, The Atlanta Market will be secured, is the FBI connect looking into Rita's phone records?"[/color] Pedro nodded his head. “Yes sir, everything as you instructed, Adora’s as well, then we’ll scout out the locations & see if we can locate Rita.” [color=DarkGoldenrod]“Perfect I have some business to tend to with Vincent’s daughter, but there’s one final loose end we need to close. The Woman whom I was suppose to pay to kill Adora, who succeeded, she has the ability of laser emission, to defeat Adora and put her in such a state? She’s more powerful then I thought I want her dead, gun shot to the brain, decapacitation, poison it dosen’t matter as long as she winds up in Hell sooner then later. No more interruptions, no more mistakes.”[/color] “Yes Sir I understand, I’ll pass the message along.”