[center][h3] [/h3][/center][h3][hr][color=#657499]Branna Naves[/color][/h3][hr][sup][i]Western Street || Lothian Empire: Garleton || Evening[/i][/sup][indent] [/indent][table][row][/row][row][cell] With a cry, the new bandit announced his arrival, heading straight for the lordling who was only moments earlier preoccupied with the bandit leader. While Branna’s smile didn’t leave her lips, her delight had vanished, and she watched with vague interest as her future coin supplier struggled. It seemed she’d been hired to play bodyguard as well, which had never been a particularly nice job for her skill set. Killing was easy when compared to trying to keep someone alive, especially someone who was a target like the lordling, and Branna wondered briefly whether it’d be easier to just sit back and let things play out. While she’d lose a large job, no job was a guarantee, and in her experience it was often easier to stack many small jobs instead of spending forever on a long one. That said, the lordling wasn’t all helpless, and Branna was already bored waiting. The swordsman from earlier drew closer, mouthing something. Though Branna didn't bother trying to catch it, she got the message well enough, with him being a fellow sellsword and all. So, shooting a grin at the guard closest to her, she hefted her spear and patted Mors. [color=#657499]“The smaller one,”[/color] she croaked. Mors pushed up and swooped towards the new bandit with a growl, and Branna lined her lance up, her eye flicking to the bandit head right before her spear struck home. Hit hard and run was her tactic, after all, not taking hard hits. [/cell][cell][img]https://i.postimg.cc/RC3pL2vV/branna-final-2.png[/img] [center]_________________________[/center] [color=#657499]Status: [/color]Bodygaurd Duty, kinda [color=#657499]Class: [/color]Wyvern Flier [color=#657499]Exp: [/color]15 [color=#657499]Inventory:[/color] [list][*]Iron Spear [*]Vulnerary[/list][hider=Stats] [indent][color=#657499]END: [/color]D [color=#657499]STR: [/color]C [color=#657499]MAG: [/color]E [color=#657499]DEX: [/color]D [color=#657499]SPD: [/color]C [color=#657499]DEF: [/color]E [color=#657499]RES: [/color]E [color=#657499]LCK: [/color]D[/indent][/hider][/cell][/row][/table]