[h1][center]Sarah Wilkes aboard Imperial vessel[/center][/h1] As the assembled crews pushed through the ship, Sarah followed behind them occasionally throwing up a biotic barrier then dropping it so the marines she brought with her could open fire on the imperial clones who strayed to close, the effort to keep it up was immense but anytime she got tired she'd just swap out with another biotic capable soldier, effectively making deployable cover along the tight corridors of the ship. The blaster fire would strike the shield, and be dispersed, the shield would be lowered, and the sharp rapport of the M-8 avenger would follow the dropping of the shield, and they'd push forward they had practiced this stuff hundreds of times, of course the occasional shot would get through, and while their armor wasn't exactly equipped to deal with laser fire their shields would hold as long at they didn't get struck consecutively. The crew of The Resurgence pushed ahead being led by a man with a sword that appeared to be made of some kind of laser, or perhaps plasma. But with the way he wielded it he cut with ease through the imperial soldiers, and it appeared the aliens from the larger ship had a need to prove themselves as well with the way they went reckless cutting through the corridors with their energy swords, and from what she could tell they fired super heated plasma at least judging by the impact sites. She had seen similar things with collector weapons, when they had been used sparingly with reaper forces. But she couldn't be too sure, of course she went over, and offered her support. As they made their way through the ship, she found the collection of troopers getting thicker, and thicker. It got to the point where the imperials were setting up makeshift barricades for cover. One had been pumping out heavy fire so she had to think fast, she had her replacement put up a biotic barrier, then jumped using her biotic abilities to make her virtually weightless maximizing her jump then she brought the gravitational fields down. There was a rush as she fell to the ground at such a fast pace, and with enough biotic strength behind it to create a large shock wave in all directions destroying the barricades, throwing the troopers into the walls, or each other at such fast speeds that the insides of their armor would probably look very, very messy. The whole ordeal left her a little tired, but allowed the rest of the teams to push up.