[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190917/bd5a8fef6aa6b2f8329c0dbba8a264bd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/efPPgp0.png?1[/img] "[color=E1557D]A class S sleep over.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Valoran Academy, Song Residential Home. [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Ahri heard the doorbell ring from upstairs, before then she was watching Neeko and Sarah argue over bejewled moves and what flavour of popcorn they should pick first. Though the argument ended in Sarah's favour of saving Sour Cream for the last because it is the best flavour. Ahri slipped on her slippers and hurried downstairs. "[color=E1557D]Coming![/color]" Ahri called out, she opened the door to see Xayah standing there with some food of her own. She looked Xayah up and down, and said "[color=E1557D]Food, upstairs, room on the right.[/color]" She then walked over to the kitchen and felt that Xayah may or may not have shown some star guardian prowess within the past twenty minutes. Since this was a relationship built on trust, Ahri needed to ask. "[color=E1557D]You had to go guardian? Something come up?[/color]" Ahri asked, though Ahri could read some nervousness in her eyes, it definitely wasn't because of the question, it was because of the party. The landline then rang, "[color=E1557D]Actually hold that thought for a sec,[/color]" Ahri picked up the phone and heard that it was the pizza place, Ahri and the pizza guy started arguing, saying that her pizza is going to be another 20 minutes because the main path to the house was blocked by a crime scene. After that Ahri understood, "[color=E1557D]Well, Pizza's late, so... Well... Uh... We can eat your crisps for the time being.[/color]" Ahri kept her emotions at bay, she wasn't going to let anything out until Xayah spilled some beans. "[color=E1557D]You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with why the pizza's late? Please tell me that wasn't you.[/color]" Said Ahri, she was pleading Xayah would tell her the truth.[/indent]