[h1]Lilly Miller[/h1] [hr] Lilly stopped eating for a moment when the boy shot sparks out of his fingers. That was kind of dangerous… but also really trippy. It was crazy to think about, though; getting superpowers at eleven years old. She never knew anyone else with them personally, and she’d always wondered how she would have ended up if they’d manifested while she was younger… which incidentally was something she wondered about a lot of other stuff too. Weird how it all ended up intersecting. “But, what did you do to get sent here? Rob a bank?" Lilly paused for a moment. Not that she wasn’t expecting the possibility that the conversation would lead here, but it was recalling a time she still had trouble processing into words. It was probably something she'd be better off not sharing, but this guy had that sort of charming confidence that made her feel a little more confident, too. Trusting, even. “Nothing that cool,” Lilly said with a soft laugh. “I… Well, I got into some shady business a couple years ago. I was going through a lot and I felt so desperate that when I found an offer for a serum I thought it was what I needed…” she trailed off for a moment until she realized she was staring at the table. “I’m sorry,” Lilly said quickly, trying to put a bit more enthusiasm into her voice. “That was way too heavy. It’s not what I was hoping for but I can make glow sticks now, I guess?” To punctuate, she tried making a small green cylinder between her fingers, though under the bright light of the cafeteria it was weak, and only somewhat visible. “It works way better when I’m onstage, I swear.” She added. “My name’s Lilly, by the way.”