[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190910/2702b9e91454a35a1946a373d5338d79.png[/img][/center] [hr] Leaving Ruruka seemed the logical thing to do. Plus she'd groped Harumi, and leaving her like this wouldn't actually hurt Ruruka. The sensation would be there, but it wouldn't affect her real body. [I]But still…[/I] Harumi sighed, mentally slapping the back of her head. "Get ready to run," she told Reiko. "Heri, how many tac-grenades do you have on you?" "Six smokes and six flashbangs," the Commandramon answered. Harumi took out her Digivice. "Transfer two of each to Reiko and myself." She turned to Reiko. "I'm sure that leaving Ruruka behind would be beneficial to us, but I don't know if our glorious leader will dock us points if we leave someone behind." [@King Cosmos][@Rune_Alchemist]