[hider=Chester][b]Name:[/b]Chester "CJ" Jonas [b]Age:[/b]26 [b]Appearance:[/b][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/73f42e4a-8169-4ee8-9e21-6eaa27674272/dcq36tm-ecd80ea4-aee3-4543-a724-8098a9e90c5a.jpg/v1/fill/w_1063,h_752,q_70,strp/inspiring_stock_example_lxv_by_phelandavion_dcq36tm-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTA2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNzNmNDJlNGEtODE2OS00ZWU4LTllMjEtNmVhYTI3Njc0MjcyXC9kY3EzNnRtLWVjZDgwZWE0LWFlZTMtNDU0My1hNzI0LTgwOThhOWU5MGM1YS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.IePbwsTr3XB_bi4kf6KGJvErjRRA5vjl2oymjCDzEWM[/img] [b]Para Category:[/b]Gamma, threat level 1 [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b]Hyperkinesis: Chester's mind works differently from others his mind, and his muscle control are perfectly in-sync allowing him enhanced reflexes, perception, and motor control. He doesn't know how he does it. But his mind is capable of near impossible shots, and perception. If he isn't stressed, and he focuses well enough he could shoot another bullet out of the air, or ricochet a bullet to take out multiple perpetrators in a room. Photographic Reflexes:Perhaps due to his hyperkentic abilities, or perhaps something more has given him the ability to copy some of the physical abilities of others. If he wishes to he can learn martial arts simply by watching a kung-fu movie, learn to shoot like a pro from watching instructional videos, operate a vehicle simply from watching someone do it. Of course his abilities are limited by what the human body can accomplish so he can't copy others abilities, or mimic an ability that requires outside tools unless he has said tools, so those obvious moves where the actor is wearing a wire he can't reproduce without a wire. [b]Skills:[/b]Warrior: Before he got his abilities he was already an accomplished fighter, and warrior. Serving as a soldier, and a private military contractor, before settling down to become a cop. So he's familiar with a variety of weapon platforms, and combat styles. Technical skills:Being a cop has left him with extensive knowledge of technical systems inside the city, and how they work. Meaning he can interface pretty well with some of the more cyber related things through out the city as long as he has the clearance for it, or getting in trouble if he doesn't. [b]Weaknesses:[/b]Abilities:His abilities don't allow him to go beyond that of a normal mans, so he can't keep up with some of the stronger abilities, nor be as strong as someone with super strength, or as fast as someone with super speed. So in reality he's basically an augmented athlete. His hyperkinesis requires a pretty clear mind to properly work. Stress, and not focusing can limit it severely. And as a cop in a pretty crime filled city, he's always stressed. Slow/stubborn learner:With the exception of his photographic reflexes, he's slow to come around to other ideals, or view points. Often standing his ground on stupid tiny things that don't even matter for the sole purpose of he can. His older sister:The only thing in the entire world he truly cares for. With her being ill, and neither one of them making enough money to afford proper treatment for her, he is immensely protective of her, and if anything happened to her it would be more than enough to push him to the brink, or put him out of commission. [b]Brief History:[/b] Growing up with deadbeat parents. Much of Chester's child life was spent with his older sister, Lillian taking care of him. The two of them together learned how to survive on their own with just their wits, and skills. His sister was an honest person, a kind person. But some of the things she had to do, and some of the things they encountered out there very much still burn vividly in Chester's mind, filling him with a strong sense of justice from an early age. As he grew older his sense of morals never faded. Not when he enlisted, and saw things that would shock people to this day, not when he sold his soul for a private military contract to earn some money for his sick sister. But as her condition worsened, he felt a stronger need to return home, so he fulfilled his contract, and flew back on the first plane he could catch. He would move in with his sister first chance he got to take care of her, getting a job with the police force to keep them afloat with what medicine they could afford, and a nurse to care for her while he was at work. At home he's a kind gentle human being who would do anything for his sister, in the MPD he's a lawbringer who is working to change the corruption, and public opinion from the inside. When the para incident happened, he didn't know he had changed until he could perfectly replicate a martial artist on the holovids it just clicked with him, and he could copy it. To top it off, if he focused well enough he could pull off shots on the range that would be nothing short of 1 in a billion shots, or from ranges that were incredibly difficult to pull off. Being able to tag a perp with a round to the leg while running through a crowd with a rifle at 700 meters with no sight proved pretty useful to the police work he did, and due to his abilities found himself getting promoted. Of course for his promotion they wanted to test if he was a parahuman, or not. But all it took was just a matter of holding back his powers enough to blend in, but still stick out. Allowing him to pass his test as far as he could tell. He now works as a beat detective on the streets, working hard to use his new abilities to make the city, and the police force from the inside. [hider=Sample Post] The city was a cesspit of crime, and menace. But perhaps this one went too far, the gathered cops stared at the scene before them. The area around them had been blocked off so they could investigate the scene. Burnt out before them stood perhaps the most glorious place in the entire city, now gone. A charred sign said. [i]"Willy Pete's donuts. Est 1970"[/i] This place had the best donuts, and joe in the city, and now it was gone. A bunch of angry cops were now outside this donut shop. Shouting, angry, upset. "What kind of bastard would do something like this?" Asked one. "Don't know some sort of madman, and when we find him we're sending him straight to hell." Replied another. The rage in the air was palpable, but Chester had a job to do. He singled out the owner one Chelsea Pete. She was pretty overweight, probably from sampling her own product too much. But her kind face, and gentle mannerism's had made this donut shop feel like a second home to many of the assembled police officers, himself included. [color=violet]"Miss Pete tell me what happened here."[/color] He said, making sure to study her face for any lies. He doubted her guilt, but that didn't mean there was a slim chance she burnt it down herself for the insurance money. "Well I was outside on my smoke break, when a man in one of those obscure band t-shirts, and black jeans entered the shop. All I remember was him shouting. 'Death to the pigs' Then he started to glow, before he just exploded into flames. Never saw anything like it but everyone inside was just vaporized, gone..." Her voice quivered, and the sadness in her voice was palpable. "Lost some of my favorite customers, and workers in that blast, and all my great grandfathers original copies of his recipes. Thankfully we have them copied, and hopefully you'll let the insurance companies know what happened here." She finished her statement with a shaky sigh, and the officer just nodded. [color=violet]"Of course, thank you for your time Miss Pete."[/color] With that said he gave her a kind wave, and headed back to his patrol vehicle. Safely inside his patrol vehicle, he brought up his police issued computer, and checked the street footage of the incident. It didn't have a good angle of the shop, but he thought perhaps he could see the perp on the screen. With some luck he managed to catch the man on screen. His greasy hair seemed to hang to his scalp by mere threads, he work a black t-shirt with the words [i]"Metallica"[/i] it also had a generous amount of rips, and cigarette burns, the perp also wore black jeans. The classical music t-shirt, and the description matched so it was clearly their perp. Using the voice command feature he had the information forwarded to the other police officers at the scene of the crime, and kicked back into his seat with a heavy sigh. He wanted to light up himself, but he chose not to in case he got interrupted. It took longer than he thought to be interrupted, but interrupted he was. "Yo CJ, that perp you sent us he's hanging out in the crowd of onlookers, we haven't moved in yet figured we'd let you handle it." Came a voice over his helmet radio. He didn't bother with a reply, he just exited the vehicle, and used his helmet's HUD to scan the crowd. Sure enough the man had come back to the scene of the crime, perhaps to see if they knew anything yet. So Chester set on an intercept path with his target. [color=violet]"You there! Come ere"[/color] He shouted, of course he didn't approach him, instead he bolted. They always run. The foot chase didn't last long before he had cornered the man in the plaza of a group of buildings. His pistol was drawn, but the criminal didn't want to stand down. "I'm gonna fuckin toast you pig." The criminal scum shouted, in his arm he readied some sort of fire in his hands. This man was a parahuman, but that didn't matter to Chester his job was to uphold the law, and he was a parahuman as well. He fired his pistol into the mans arm, the fire dissipated as the criminal lost focus on whatever he was going to do. Then it was a matter of quick rush, to intercept him striking him in the face, throat, and groin. With him disabled it was only a matter of drawing his buton, and knocking him unconscious. The job was done thoroughly, and the suspect was slapped into cuffs. If only all cases worked out like this. He didn't even make it as far as the sidewalk before he was stopped by two men dressed in suits, he didn't even have to guess to know they were with the Lorne corporation. "We'll take him off your hands officer." Said one of them who didn't look like he had a single hair on his head, or body. [color=violet]"But h-"[/color] "But nothing officer, he's our problem now... Good work." With that they took the unconscious perp from him, and stuffed him into the back of a van. He sighed as they drove off, and just looked at his shoes. [i]"Guess it was all in days work."[/i] He thought to himself bitterly, as he got back into his patrol vehicle, and drove off. [/hider] [/hider]