[@FunnyGuy] [@Tae] [@Legion02] [color=c4df9b][h2][center]O'Ner Faister [/center][/h2][/color] "I could shape shift into many different animals or objects, And with the information i will send the information back to you via carrier bird" O'Ner turned to speak with Umber. He was confident in his shape shifting skills and had used this magic before and to alot of success. "Only if the commander is fine with my shape shifting and following them?" He asked turning to their commander. If he could not get his spies to infiltrate he will have to change his appearance to spy on others. "I can change my appearance to look human, Although i do not know if they could smell my scent it would be a good idea to try and mask it" O'Ner answered Azriel thinking just for safety sake that he would not be found out by the humans. It would be quite awkward for him to transform into his true form while surrounded by his enemies.