[img]https://i.imgur.com/SRcKhXE.png?1[/img] [h1]and [color=red]Amelia[/color][/h1] [hr] [i]Written with [@levinfist][/i] [hr] [url=https://youtu.be/oobPDNY8SoM]AaaaaaaAAAAAHHHH- TEETH SNARL, WHAT’S UNDER THE BED, SORE HEAD AGAIN, CAN’T PAY RENT-[/url] They Come to Get Us, by The Death Set, played from Freaky-D’s helmet as he darted through the hallways, away from the pursuing mixed crowd of security guards and new students. As he made his merry way with no clear destination, he couldn’t help but notice how [i]antiquated[/i] the school interior looked in contrast to the station’s outside. Rigid stone hallways with smooth tile floors, glass side windows and wooden paneling, multicolored decorations that looked like they belonged in cheap museums rather than a school - this whole facility looked like it was ripped right out of the early 2000s. Not what he expected of a hyper-advanced orbital station, but hey, he wasn’t an architect, so who was he to judge? He led his pursuers through turn after turn, half-trying to shake them off and half-trying to just screw with them. Some of the students seemed to cheer D on - that was certainly a welcome gesture. Before he arrived, he had this awful feeling that absolutely no one would want his annoying ass up here. The vast majority still don’t but, hey, you gotta work with what you have. D turned another corner, back into the stretch of the hallway he’d started down. He’d outran his pursuers for just a moment, but no doubt they’d circle around to find him once more. In that quick instant of wondering what to do next, the restroom door next to him swung open, and out popped the grungy miss from before. In that brief moment of surprise, the song stopped - with an audible, unnecessary record scratch. “Hey!” She said, “You’ve got an escape plan, right? Somewhere to hide? Need help?” [url=https://youtu.be/uv29l-TH9Po]“Do I really look like a guy with a plan?”[/url] D responded, pulling a voice clip from The Dark Knight. Despite that, he was very much pleased to meet a fan in the middle of this self-inflicted mess. “I see him!” A voice came from further down the hallway - a student had spotted D, but couldn’t see Amelia’s head since the bathroom door was obstructing view of her. Several guards rounded the corner seconds after the alert. [i]Narc![/i] D didn’t hesitate any further, retreating into the restroom alongside Amelia, if only to buy several precious seconds before the crowd barged in after him and tore him limb from limb, like a pack of bloody savages. [i]Certainly[/i] a possibility. Amelia pulled D into the bathroom, and made towards a stall. “You came in from the rafters above the cafeteria, right? Were there any air ducts in there? Anywhere you could make your escape with unseen?” Amelia was beginning to realize she may have made a hasty decision. Making getaways back home had been child’s play, but that was because she knew it by the back of her hand. She had just gotten here. There were a few places she could maybe- And that was the sound of someone kicking the door open. Amelia dropped her voice immediately. “Shit, we’ll work it out later.” She scrambled onto the toilet. “Get up here with me, and shut your eyes [i]now[/i]!” ‘YEE’ flashed on D’s helmet in dim yellow letters, as he followed her command. After that, his helmet went back to his default face, but still dim. Amelia couldn’t see it, but he was excited for whatever she was about to do. This was one of the rare occasions he wasn’t on the receiving end of a parahuman’s powers. Come to think of it, this was actually the first time ever. Amelia wrapped an arm around his shoulder and played it risky. “I feel like this is the theme of the day, but try not to vomit,” she muttered quietly. Her mind drifted to one of the classrooms she had seen down the halls, and spread her focus to include D. And then leaving behind only the strange scar in space for a moment, they were gone.