[h2]Tachibana Hibiki[/h2] If it was any consolation for Zeke and Magilou, the source of the devastation scarcely seemed any more pleased about it herself, looking down at the mess and the blood dripping off her knuckles with something between confusion and horror. Despite the force of the impact, it obviously seemed to be something that wasn't within Hibiki's normal experiences. At least that was reassuring--the girl with the explosive punches did [i]not[/i] regularly go around punching people so hard there was nothing left. Or at least not things that left this mess. "I don't have any boots..." she answered, following Magilou's indication and looking down towards the alleyway. That was right, they were here to rescue a girl, weren't they? If that was the right direction, then with all these monsters around...! Not caring what was in the fog, Hibiki ran off down the alleyway once again.