[color=#b97703]“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I gave more than one maid a heart attack,”[/color] he laughed when Iris called him a “super spy.” Perhaps some of the servants had found his childish antics amusing, but he was pretty sure that most of them had thought he was just a nuisance. They always had work to do around the mansion, and he had gotten in their way every time he had interrupted to play spy. Of course, they would never complain out loud, since he was to be their future king and could be punished for speaking out even to a boy, but he couldn’t imagine that they had all been fine with being roped into his games against their will. When Iris said that she had seen the movie before, Cas grinned, even more pleased with himself for guessing right and putting on a film that she would recognize. Plus, he was excited that another trigger had seemed to work on her. If they continued to find more things she remembered, he hoped it would be like a dam breaking. She would get a few incoherent memories back at a time until everything broke through at once, and she knew who she was again. That would have been great. [color=#b97703]“It will,”[/color] he agreed confidently when she said her memories would come back to her with time. [color=#b97703]“Who knows? Maybe by the end of the week, we’ll know your last name and which family you belong to.”[/color] If her parents didn’t call first, that was. He was still crossing his fingers that [i]someone[/i] would come looking for her soon, so she wouldn’t be so alone. It would have been fantastic if a family member or friend reached out to get her tomorrow. He just hoped it wasn’t a worried boyfriend. As she asked if his family had a library, he nodded. [color=#b97703]“Yeah, and it’s actually really close to this room,”[/color] he answered, turning away from the screen again to look at her. [color=#b97703]“I don’t think anyone would mind if you borrowed a few books. I’m not sure what you would find to read though. Most of my dad’s collection is full of boring records and instruction manuals.”[/color] He paused, another thought coming to him. [color=#b97703]“Although, now that I think about it, there might be a few novels mixed in. My mom used to read in her leisure time, and I doubt she was interested in [i]The Art of War[/i].”[/color] His features softened slightly at the memory. When he was younger, his mother had often read short stories to him before bed. Those times were long in the past, but they still brought a smile to his lips. They also made him pity Iris for not being able to remember the good times she’d had with her mother. All she knew was that one of her parents was dead. That couldn’t have been easy. [color=#b97703]“What sort of books do you like to read?”[/color] he asked, deciding not to dwell on the depressing thought. [color=#b97703]“If you remember, I mean.”[/color]