Nensu was looking down at the ground, as she continued to think of any other words she could perhaps say. Having to retell that story was a scenario that pretty forced her to jump back into the frying pan she had just escaped from. The girl was thinking about her mother; the woman, who passed her ice quirk down to the "twins"; the woman of whom their father had thrown into the mental hospital, after accidentally hurting Shoto. The dual-haired teen didn't even register on Midoriya mumbling to himself, until he made a suggestion. "Huh?" She softly gasped, having to look at him, before looking back to the side again to think about it. "We could do that. But then, I think about Shoto. I don't know if he would want to see her again, after so many years". She admitted, having to be not quite sure whether if she should suggest such a thing to him, considering that it was a rather delicate matter that sparked their resentment for Endeavor, although it was a lot more apparent in Loma. She could ask him, but even if he didn't want to go, he knew that Nensu would understand. Momo slightly blushed, the second she felt the other teen squeeze her hand, before letting go. The raven-haired girl smiled back at him, before taking his hand, and lead him out of the station.