Strange saw his face and said “tell me what’s she’s feeling. It might help me find the problems faster...if her head is okay for now then we need to stabilize all the broken joints and bones and make sure no more organs were hit...” Strange was tired now, wiping his face and rolling his neck as he got her heart to take to a better beat. He sighed and said “we need to give an update but I can’t move...flash are you at a stopping point that you can tell the others how it’s going? And we need someone with laser sight. It will hurt but it will close the wounds faster” Robin and Riza walked into the waiting room, robin holding her hand in comfort. Artemis was pacing along with Aqua lad. Green Arrow was a few feet from Bats, ready to stop him if he had too. Robin moved to Connor and Meg and asked “any word yet? How bad is she?”