Sylvia nodded in agreement with what Pylia said. She wasn't sure if Trogs could or not, but now that Pylia mentioned it, it was pretty strange considering how animalistic they acted. She answered the both of the contemplatively, "I just hope that the cult doesn't put a damper on their view on the other humans..." before leading them to the market. The fact that Pylia wasn't able to identify most of the food and booze here was kind of concerning, but thankfully, they were not shopping for food...yet. She had been considering just buying the shaft of the spear and using it as a staff, or just going to a different shop... Until Bonesaw offered her something else. The bone tonfas... Sylvia took a look at the tonfas carefully, and if she was able, she would test the weight in her hands, and see how she could use them. After doing so, she decided that these might be a better option than the staff, and she told Bonesaw, "Bonesaw. I think you have a deal!" She then fished out twenty gold pieces, and handed them to the kobold. Now she carried only thirty gold while the rest of her gold was back in her room.