Pylia looked at you strangely as you whispered to her but says nothing. The party would reach the Silver Stag while it was surprisingly not too busy, with only a few patrons eating some supper while the majority of the workers were cleaning tables or doing other menial tasks. Pylia asked for a basin for washing at the front desk, and the wood elf said they'll send it over soon. Back at your room, everything was fortunately left as it were, even the beds didn't seem to have been remade or anything, still all scuffed up from when Pylia went to lie down. "Shortfang use water closet!" The kobold said as he headed towards the bathroom to do things you do in the bathroom. Pylia went to her bed and began to take off her armor and other equipment, stripping down to her skivvies as she took some bandages and medicine from her pack. Buddy simply stood by the door, still as a statue. As Pylia was tending to her wounds she looked over to you. "Hey, come over here. You got beat up pretty badly too, not to mention your outfit is in shambles again. Maybe we should get you some armor too."