[right][h3]September 48 BC - Lefkosia, Cyprus[/h3][/right] [hr] "Hurry up and wait..." Kedrick muttered the phrase for what must have been the tenth time, his voice partially muffled by the shield that he was using to shade himself from the hot midday sun. There was an accompanying chorus of agreement that always greeted such a statement from the twenty or so other Germans and Gauls who were huddled in what little pools of shade they could find beneath olive trees or at the base of walls. Nearby, faces upturned to the heat were the Iberian and Romans legionnaires who made up the rest of the Century. All in all, some eighty soldiers were scattered about the olive grove in various positions of rest and self contemplation. "Not you though, eh Seiger?" Kedrick continued. He could just make out the sandals of his friend from beneath the rim of the shield and knew that the huge blonde man was standing in the sun, likely staring around at the scenery. "I'm bloody sweating, don't you worry." Came Seigers reply and his sandals shifted slightly, the butt of a spear knocking a small rock away with a [i]tock[/i]. "But I have to admit, it's lovely not freezing my fruits off." "Never have happened back home anyway, always some nice Gaulish girl willing to keep them warm with her...." Whatever else Kedrick was about to say was drowned out in a chorus of good natured hoots from the Gauls among them. Even the Iberians joined in, they tended to have more in common with their Celtic brethren than they did with the Germans and the rivalry never got old. It never failed to impress Seiger how the savage tribal rivalries that would have made bitter enemies back home now served a type of comic relief. "Where do you suppose Old Julius is then?" One of the Romans growled when the shouts had quieted down. The olive grove that the Century occupied belonged to one of the islands more influential Roman families and it was rumoured they had given shelter to Pompeii in his flight. A dozen men had gone inside with Caesar while the rest remained outside to bake in the hot sun. Several thousand others bobbed at anchor among the ships whose masts could just be seen in the harbour below. "Having a nice cool drink and shagging a slave while we die of thirst." Seiger replied. He was hot. His feet hurt, there was sand under his sandal straps, and even after months in these southern lands he was barely a darker shade of white then when he had arrived. More red than tan, if he was honest with himself. His scars did stand out something fierce however and he marvelled at how white and stark they suddenly seemed against his sun kissed flesh. In truth, they were far from thirsty. Julius Caesar took good care of his men, but it was in a soldiers nature to gripe. "Heads up lads." Another German, almost as large as Seiger, was quickly climbing to his feet even as he jerked his head toward the villa. Two armoured Gauls had appeared on the step and one gave them a quick wave. The rest of the Century quickly scrambled to their feet and stood ready, weapons at hand. They had none of their usual travel gear, only armour and weapons, this was supposed to be a social visit. Several moments passed and then Caesar himself stepped out into the sun and his gaze swept across the waiting soldiers. "Caesar!" As one the soldiers spoke his name and clashed their weapons against the front of their shields. He rewarded them with a smile and a nod of his head even as he gestured for a man to step out after him. The man could not have been more different than Caesars ramrod straightness and handsome features. He was older and his shoulders slumped like the branches of a tree beneath a heavy snow. The two spoke for a moment and every word seemed to cause the other to slump even further. "Might get to burn something after all," Kedrick had moved up next to Seiger. The two were friends, equally tall and well muscled but where Seiger was blonde, Kedrick was a redhead. For the last six years they had served Caesar with a fanatic loyalty that been rewarded by four pounds of silver and and an appointment as part of his personal guard following the Battle of Pharsalus. "Been a while since we burned anything." "No, I reckon not." Seiger said as Caesar turned away from his "host" and strode quickly to a waiting horse, swinging into the saddle with ease. He waved a hand toward the house, not bothering to see if the wilting man on the front step waved back or not. His horse moved into a walk as it headed toward the harbour. "Move out!" Centurion Felix Cassia roared and the waiting soldiers quickly scrambled onto the roadway, forming a column of twos as they jogged after Caesar, their armour jingling with the movement. A small forest of spearpoints gleamed above their heads and despite the heat, they were all grinning. The hunt, it seemed, was not over.