[h2][b]Eri 'Moram - Aboard the Imperial Venator[/b][/h2] [hr] Eri followed through with the opening that the Human gave them, revealing herself just after he ripped away the barricade. She raised her hardlight shield and, this time with her plasma rifle, lifted up her arm to fire over the top of the shield. Her HUD provided a targeting reticle to assist with aiming, though she was still firing more for suppression than accuracy. However, the greatest form of both damage and suppression came from the Unggoy. The explosive output of the fuel rod gun's shots were like rockets, but all five shots in the magazine could be fired in rapid succession. Two were bound for opposite sides of the breach, while the other three focused on mounted weapon emplacements and other Imperials that were still firing on them from other parts of the barricade. The Imperials could not have expected the kind of weapons they were encountering. Each of the fuel rod blasts hit one after another, blasting wide areas with superheated radioisotopes and explosive force, melting and blasting apart soldiers and fortifications alike. Regardless of how many of the remaining defenders were able to avoid the blasts, it certainly managed to diminish the amount of accurate return fire from the Imperials as they advanced. Given that the Unggoy did not have time to reload, he instead moved the fuel rod gun to his back and started throwing plasma grenades. "Grenade out, grenade [i]out[/i], grenade [b]out[/b]!" He shouted with each throw, becoming that much more enthusiastic every time. Wisely, he aimed the grenades for deeper into the sides of the Imperials' position, rather than throwing grenades directly into the breach his commander was currently running at. While the Unggoy did fall behind in the advance, the rest of the Sangheili in Eri's troupe took advantage of the disruption he had provided and sprinted up to the barricades while the defenders were mostly disoriented. Some took cover on their side of the enemy's barricades, while others followed Jerus and Eri through the breach. Eri holstered her near-overheated plasma rifle as she was passing through the breach, but just as she had put the weapon away, she had to swat away the blaster of an Imperial clone nearby, immediately to the right of the breach. While he did get off a shot, the blast went up towards the ceiling. Rather than draw a weapon, Eri simply grabbed a hold of the Imperial's helmet and, with just one hand, smashed his head up against the barricade with almost certainly lethal force. Aside from demonstrating the strength in a Sangheili's arm, Eri had, perhaps curiously to Jerus, reacted to the presence of the Imperial just before she could have seen or heard him, which was why she was able to push away his weapon to begin with.