[b]Name:[/b] Tsuyu (Known by the Navy as Tsuya) Matsuri [b]Pirate or Navy:[/b] Pirate [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Natural/Learned Skills:[/b] Martial Arts (Native and Marine, Expert), Acupuncture, Acupressure, Herbalism, Medicine, Kenbunshoku Haki (Skilled), Busoshoku Haki (Basic), Naturally resistant to Poison/Disease. [b]Bio:[/b] Tsuyu’s native Island was located in the Calm belt of the South Blue. It was isolated both geographically as well as from the crags and whirlpools that surrounded the island. It wasn’t till Tsuyu was a young man that they had ever had contact with the World Government until a Navy vessel wrecked on their shore. They were hospitable to their new guest and it was returned in kind, however, due to their isolation, many did not have resistances to the illnesses the marines brought with them. A plague swept the native people of the island, the Navy, in an attempt to help the native people brought in doctors to help. A the son of the doctor of the island, versed in various homeopathic methods, Tsuyu was resistant to the illness spreading through his people, so requested to learn medicine from the Navy doctors that came to help. Things got progressively worse for the native islanders, but proving a quick study the Navy offered to let him to go to a formal medical school in order to best help his people. After completing his studies in a quick few years he was quick to join the Navy medical core, but it wasn’t long before he stumbled upon a terrible truth. Due to the islands isolation, it was an ideal location to test biological weapons without risking them spreading outside of their test site. Enraged, Tsuyu returned to his homeland and rallied the survivors, leading a sneak attack of the newly established Navy base on the island. Leaving one marine alive, he let him get out a distress signal, naming him as the aggressor alone before slaying the marine as well, making the marine’s death moan distort his name to “Tsu-Yaaah” in his final breath. [b]Picture:[/b] [img] http://pm1.narvii.com/6900/f6c79991cff2f07101c8c143d5af9835d075779er1-400-400v2_00.jpg[/img] [b]Inventory:[/b] Medicine box- A large wooden box with straps allowing Tsuyu to wear it like a backpack, it has several compartments for various herbs and medicines. Acupuncture needles- Commonly line the inside of his coat, giving additional protection. Combat Scalpels x2