[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190917/bd5a8fef6aa6b2f8329c0dbba8a264bd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/efPPgp0.png?1[/img] "[color=E1557D]I miss you...[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Song Residential Home. [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Ahri looked down at the photo she clutched in her hand, the picture was stained with dried tears and what appeared to be a mug ring that probably had coffee. Ahri ran her finger on the paper, but the sudden appearance of Xayah immediately snapped her out of the mood, causing her ears to stand fully straight instead of the sad drooped down. Xayah just came down to grab those crisps she bought earlier. Ahri then just shook her head and put the microwave popcorn in the microwave, and while that was popping in there, she grabbed a few bowls to fill up and just waited. Back upstairs, Sarah was explaining to Neeko that the picture is one of Ahri's few reminders of her mother, and she hates people touching it because it is already pretty and could disintegrate at any moment. Sarah turned to the door to see Xayah walk in, she flaunted a a few bag of crisps in their way and Sarah immediately grew a smile, she needed to relax so she sat by the foot of the bed and asked Xayah. "[color=FB8035]So, Rakan huh?[/color]" Sarah said, raising her brows, a small smug smirk slowly formed on her face "[color=FB8035]Pretty crazy that you two ended up together.[/color]"[/indent]