"Huh?" The comment caught her off guard. Realizing it was a joke and not a serious dig at her, she relaxed. "Nah, if I'm gonna be stuck with Zombie, then I'm gonna need a second pokemon. They can socialize and train against one another." Of course, it'd be possible to do all that in a party, but there was no guarantee whether any of the three would keep their little alliance formed. Keeping your distance with the rest of the world was the unspoken topic that was on everyone's mind. And as for Zombie, she hadn't planned on keeping him for long. Ms. Amy didn't seem like the type who'd go after her for prolonging his stay, but knowing that she was technically still doing business with her filled her with unease. "Maybe I could even find a third one if I play my cards right..." she mumbled, mostly to herself. If she had a third pokemon, then Zombie wouldn't be necessary anymore. Her hopes had been answered when something approached them. An odd looking pokemon, the kind that didn't look quite from this wrecked world and could thrive in it with minimal effort. She glared at it before realizing it had been Aro's honedge. What other explanation was there for it appearing before them so calmly? "Is that thing trained to lead us to him? Interesting." She'd have to take note of this later in her training journal.