Ray flinched at the fact that Marc noticed her. She stayed silent as Benjamin and Marc spoke, letting out a sigh as Marc left, as if she was holding her breathe. "The Psycho will probably tell you I'm a bad influence as they always do." Ray said bitterly, "If it gets worse they'll lock me up again. They've done it times before, and they're probably not afraid to do it again." She gave a bit of a sneer before she sighed, "But if you reckon we need to split up a bit," She started, "It always ends up happening." [b]"Hey."[/b] Ari said with a frown, [b]"Shut up. Don't talk like that. This is different."[/b] [i]"She's right you know."[/i] Dia said quietly, [i]"We'll be fine."[/i] Sara continued to walk along, she kept near the wall. Her balance was shaky, something was putting her off; she felt like her other spirit was bubbling over, twisting and turning to take control. She should have just taken her meds... surely that would have pushed the other spirit back. Maybe she should have listened to Jazz- The Spirit hissed at the very idea of Jazz, twisting violently and caused Sara to leaned against the wall and slide down.