[center][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/598/188/large/kenny-mok-spaceship-entrace-hall.jpg?1428063416[/img][/center] [b][right]Tunnel City[/right][/b] [hr][hr] William turned over in his sleeping bag. Groaning with frustration as a sound came over the emergency announcement system. Some voice saying that they weren't alone. Of course, they were. 'Tunnel City' was where all the outcasts went to live. An old service tunnel that had collapsed years ago partway in. Nobody had ever bothered to open it up again, why bother when it was out of service? So the homeless moved in. It was a shelter, and the wind was only ever a problem when it came from the east. He crawled out of his tent, stumbling slightly over a piece of debris that sat outside his tent. He ran his hand over his face. Still smooth. He may have been homeless but at least he had enough money that he didn't look the part, unknown to him he did. The stench of alcohol and filth oozed from him, his eyes sunken and hollow. He stumbled through the streets, unable to sleep. Everywhere he went he heard people talking about the face and the voice that had told them all they weren't alone. Different theories spread throughout the city, near the poorer areas a lot of the homeless doomsayers were sure that it was aliens. Letting them know that they weren't alone in the universe, a precursor to invasion. As he got into the second ring where industry was rife people thought it was something to do with the Church of the Para. Some message from Atom acting as if he was a god. William spit as flem rose in his throat, disgusted looks being cast at him from a group of girls who seemed to be enjoying a night on the town. He didn't even bother them with a response. William stopped in his tracks. Ahead of him was a police cordon outside of a donut shop. The robotic units stood guard as they let two detectives answer. He swore as he dove into a side alley. Heart racing. He recognised the number on the side of the police unit. He was back within the purview of his former precinct. That meant that these officers knew him. He silently cursed himself, he had been half asleep and not even concentrating. He avoided this area like the plague and now he had just walked right back in. He had to avoid being seen by any of the units, one look with thermal imaging would oust him as a Para. The weather was turning cool as Fall was coming in, and yet his body radiated heat like it was the middle of summer. Diving down an alley he risked a look back. When he collided with something solid, falling back down on his ass he looked up at whatever he hit. Before William was Brutus. One of the Atoms henchmen, who had [i]previously[/i] been on the loser in against William as Atom had tried to recruit him into his deranged plan. William raised his hands in a sign of peace as Brutus leaned down and placed one of his rocky hands around Williams throat and lifted him up. "Thought you were told not to show up in these parts 'gain?" William clawed at his throat, he dared not risk using his powers. His voice came through raspy as he struggled to find the air to speak. "Look-" He choked slightly coughing up. "-the police are just back there. We can't afford to do this right now. We need to get out of here." Brutus grinned, rock grinding against rock as the mans face re-arranged. "Well. Maybe I should go and you should go say Hi." Brutus pulled William closer to his body before throwing him back out of the alley and into the middle of the road. William grunted and his vision flared for a moment as he hit the road, coughing as the wind was knocked from his body. He could taste the iron of blood in his mouth, and his whole body ached. As he sat up he saw two robotic units scanning him, drawing their sidearms they started to approach sirens wailing. "Fuck."