[center][h2]Guardians of the Galaxy[/h2] [b]IN[/b] [h2]SPACE ODYSSEY[/h2][/center] [hr] The Hasselhoff travelled through hyperspace towards NiĆ°avellir, the land of the Dwarves. It was a location known to very few in the Nine Realms. The Asgardians and the Dwarves had come to an agreement long, long ago to keep it that way. The Dwarves would make the Asgardians weapons while the Gods would keep the Dwarves hidden from others that would seek to use their skills for ill. It had been a successful partnership for eons, until the Dark Elves had found their way there and forced the Dwarves to make them weapons to overthrow the Asgardians. The resulting conflict had nearly destroyed the Realms, and had pushed the Asgardians to the brink of destruction. The Dark Elf leader, a rogue named Malekith, was cunning and powerful, and with the Dwarves weapons backing him he was nearly unstoppable. In order to turn the tide, Odin and the Dwarves forged a suit of armor made from the same metal that made up the great hammer Mjolnir. The amor, controlled by putting one's very sould into it, was so powerful that it ripped through the Dark Elf Army as if it were made from paper. Malekith was forced to surrender to the Asgardians and Odin, and the armor, dubbed The Destroyer, was hidden where no one could find it besides Asgard and the Dwarves, in case it was ever needed again. "The Destroyer," Quill mulled over the name of the weapon as the Guardians sat around the ship's communal table. "That does not sound like something we should let fall into the hands of someone who wants to kill us." Rocket stood up on the table, "It does, however, sound like something that should fall into my hands. I would like that very much, please." The group had been sharing drinks and stories after their narrow escape from the Brood, as they had dubbd the insect-like creatures. It was the first time they had really sat down and talked as friends since they had become travelling partners. Thor wasn't sure if the five of them truly trusted each other yet, but this was a start. If they could break bread as friends, they could certainly learn to be true brothers in arms. "Sounds like some good old fashioned karma that it might be used against you, too," Hawk added in with a wink. She had seemed to lighten up since she had rescued them from the depths of the previous planet, but there was still something holding her back from truly opening up to them. Thor thought it was the fact that she didn't trust him. She clearly knew more about what he was than the others. Since that was the case, he could barely blame her for not trusting him. "Well, you gotta figure whoever this guy is, he's not going to stop with Thor," Quill added in. "With a weapon like that he could probably take over the galaxy. That's the last thing any of us need." "Especially when he wants to kill us too," Rocket agreed. "I am Groot." From the bunk area, they could hear the girl stirring. She still hadn't spoken since they rescued her from the planet. Hawk theorized that she was traumatized past the ability of speech. It was possible. What had happened to the other settlers of the mining colony was horrific. Her parents were more than likely part of the slaughter that helped birth the massive Brood population of the planet. And all of that was done so the Brood's masters could find a weapon. That was enough to send anyone into a permanent state of silence. The five Guardians had taken turns sitting with her and attempting to get her to open up. They had all failed, but Thor felt like the exercise had been good for the lot of them. "So, Hawk," Quill looked over at her while he opened another bottle of ale, "why did you decide to come and help us down there? You could have easily left us to be eaten." She looked over her glass at him, "I told you, I feel the urge to make mistakes sometimes. Plus, if you had gotten killed, I probably wouldn't have been able to claim the bounties on you all. That would have been a terrible, terrible waste." Quill's eyes narrowed, obviously not believing her excuse, "Nah, I think there's something more than that. You're a good person." "No, I'm definitely not," she shook her head, but a laugh managed to escape her lips. "Haha!" Rocket pointed and laughed. "You totally are a good person. How embarrassing." "I am Groot." "No way am I one too!" Rocket protested. "How dare you even insinuate something of the sort." Hawk chuckled before letting out a sigh. She looked around the room, meeting the rest of their eyes. She had never told anyone why she had left the Thanagarian Empire. Why she was made to do so. But if she went through life hiding from everyone, she wasn't so sure that would be much of a life at all. "Fine," she shook her head. "I was exiled from Thanagar. Made to leave me home and the only life I ever thought I would know." Thor had figured as much when they had met. No soldier of Thanagar leaves voluntarily. They were raised to believe that the Empire was the one true power in the universe. They were almost fanatical in their obedience and belief. For one to be exiled, though, meant they had betrayed their people completely. "It was during the war with Rann," she continued explaining. "Such a small planet. Even at the beginning I didn't understand why we were going after such a minuscule prize. At least until I infiltrated the planet with my black ops team. Then I found it. The Zeta Beam Transport device. Capable of sending whole armies over the entire reach of space in moments." "Very similar to the Bifrost," Thor mused to himself. He would have to remember that. "The Empire wanted it," Hawk looked down. "With it they could conquer the universe. Or, as I found out, exterminate anyone that gave them too much trouble. With that knowledge, I realized I could no longer fight for a people whose goal was dominance at any cost. I defected and gave Rann the secrets to defeating our forces. In exchange they transported me across the galaxy, giving me a head start against the Thanagarian hunters. I've been running ever since." With her story finished, silence hung over the ship. It made perfect sense to Thor, and he felt more respect for the bounty hunter than he had before. She was a warrior that knew what was right. There was nothing rarer in the galaxy. He should know, as one that all too often lost sight of just that. "I just want you to know, you did the right thing," Quill tried to assure her. "Ah, jeez," Rocket rolled his eyes. "What you did took great courage, truly," Thor nodded. "I am glad to have a warrior of such honor fighting alongside me. Allfather knows I need some of that myself." Before Hawk could respond to that, the ship alerted them that they had came to their destination. The five of them stood, and the girl they had saved emerged from the sleeping quarters, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. When they reached the bridge, Thor immediately knew something was wrong. The Realm of the Dwarves was famous for its intensely burning suns, where the great weapon smiths had created the legendary weapons of Asgard. But now there was nothing but darkness illuminated by light from the distant stars. In front of them stood the planet of the Dwarves, which was now coated in snow and ice. "Prepare yourselves," Thor warned his comrades. "We have come to a planet of death. Who knows what waits for us below."