Batman glared at Superman and said “I’m fine, Clark. Sitting will do. I can’t leave her right now and you all have your own kids to check on as well as your own jobs to do...I’m taking the first watch...” he looked back at Wolf, still holding her hand in his. Arrow rolled his eyes and muttered “his super power is stubbornness...anyone got sleepy time tea?” Batman muttered “I’ll talk to Maiden in the morning...” Robin sighed and muttered “maybe I’ll poke my head in and make sure she’s doing okay...” he got up and stumbled to the door and opened it, seeing Wonder Woman heading his way. He smiled weakly and said “evening Wonder are the others? And is Batman okay? I think I found something on the data we got. I think the guy who made the call has the same skill as Dead man...not sure why he used it to make....the call but...I got screen shots and we can start with the guy who made the call unknowingly then talk to....dead man and see...what...” he stopped and leaned against the wall, the hallway spinning for a moment.