Angel glanced awkwardly between the driver and second student who had spoken while waiting for a response from the former. At that point, he would not have even been surprised if there had been no response at all. There eventually was one, though, and did the older man take his time with it, only getting the same, one-word answer out when they had reached their destination. When the driver gestured to the structure at the top of the hill ahead, Angel assumed that he and his companions were to take a walk to it. He would have liked to ask who or what they were to expect upon reaching it, but from the attempts of the two other boys on board, he figured that it would probably not be as productive as he would like it to be. Duffel bag over one shoulder, he sluggishly stood and alighted from the vehicle. The cold immediately hit him as he stepped out into the open, and his involuntary shivering was visible. He exhaled into his cupped hands before rubbing them together to alleviate the effects of the chilly air. An unexpected wave of warmth then crept up behind him, and he let out an almost-inaudible sigh of relief before turning to see two of the girls who had also been on the bus. One of them was... glowing? And he assumed that the heat was radiating from her. He had noticed the unusual colors of her eyes and skin, figuring that it was a cosmetic mutation resulting from the Mist. She admittedly looked pretty cool, like she had stepped right out of a comic book. Angel had a subtle one himself, remembering how his eyes were dark brown before his powers first manifested. However, anyone who had not known him prior to the incident would probably think that he had his bright green irises all his life. Suddenly realizing that he might have been looking for slightly too long, he then gave the girls a short, awkward nod before turning back around. He then picked his pace up and trudged on forward up the hill, partly from embarrassment, but mostly because he was eager to get indoors and away from the cold.