Robin blinked and looked at her. “Bats isn’t okay? His been going for weeks...trying to find this guy...his afraid of losing Wolf...she’s been thru so learning we may lose her at the end of all of this...he doesn’t want her to be he was...” he was rambling now, barely standing now as he swayed and was leaning against Diana. “His a good guy...he cares a lot...” he swayed and fell against Diana. “Don’t let him leave alone...his been alone enough...” Batman looked back up at them and said “when I know everyone else is safe...” he got up slowly and said “I want to make sure Diana found robin...” he moved to the door but he stumbled and hit the side cart, the room spinning on him. Arrow grabbed his arm and said “Guys his warm. More then normal...” Batman coughed suddenly and muttered “need to check...on...” he grunted and one knee buckled.