Taking a deep breath of the sea, the young pirate stretched out her limbs having a basic idea of what to expect. The smell of salt and fish was strong here and as she stood by the docks, Caitlyn came to realize some things. She needed one of those wrist maps that points a Pirate to where they needed to go first, she also needed a boat, she needed provisions for said boat, she needed belli’s for said boat and provisions, and most important of all: a crew for said boat. “Welp, can’t exactly go home now crying to mother now can we?” She asks wryly to the waves which naturally didn’t have anything back to say to the girl who had thought to come out here without any other thought than: ‘get out there, become Queen of the Pirates, then reveal my parentage’. Not much of a plan that, especially as the Age of Pirates was now getting its momentum back once more. She could always see if there were ships [i]hiring[/i] crew of course. She scrunched her nose as her spirit recoiled at the idea. [i][b]Go at this all out, or not at all[/b][/i] it seemed to say. Then she grinned. What other way to become a pirate than to steal all of the things she needed? Including that boat! With that plan in mind, she first sought out those wrist maps.