[@Vampiretwilight] would this character be an acceptable addition to this rp? [hider=Sister Delilah] [hider=Appearance][img]https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.duAT86TwNN-ElrSXP2gh4gHaJT%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img][/hider] [center] Name Sister Delilah Verita Age 26 Bio The Catholic Order of St Joan monastery in Prague raised a young orphan girl. She was taught theology, etiquette, academics, languages and many other things. She was also taught melee combat, the rites of exorcism, and the weaknesses of supernatural creatures. Before her training was complete however, the monastery was destroyed by dark forces. She fled the city and wandered the world settling into a quiet life of prayer and contemplation in a small town that would never attract the attention of any monsters. Town Status Shy kindly nun in the corner. She teaches classes women's self defense classes at the basement of the town library on Thursday Nights. Other She is not without sins of her own. Sister Delilah suffers most from the sin of lust, a temptation which she feels exclusively when in the presence of other women. And to her everlasting shame, a temptation which has gotten the best of her before. A part of the reason why she went into hiding rather than seeking revenge on the monsters is because she blames the attack on a dalliance she had with another young nun. She believes that it is her fault that her lover and her family of nuns and monastery were destroyed and that she must live a life of repentance for her "crime". [/center] [/hider]