[center][h2]Aboard the [i]Daedalus[/i][/h2][/center] Both Jason and the members of the Scorch guard looked about confused. One moment, they were in the starfighter tower, preparing an ambush for the enemy clones, the next they were aboard the bridge of what appeared to be the [i]Daedalus[/i], though the exact means of how was lost on them. When the Colonel asked for the bridge to be cleared, Jason nodded to the Scorch Guard, who followed Sheppard while he turned to the Colonel. "I know I might not get the most satisfactory answer here, but...what just happened?" [hr] Meanwhile, the [i]Resurgence[/i] had already begun it's own evasive maneuvers as V-Wings and ARC-170s shift targets to engage the new arrivals. XO Kol'Zife was issuing orders as fast as he could, the point defense turrets strafing the strange craft that got too close. They had come in with hyperdrive signatures, but no one had really thought about it, ghost signatures happened on occasion. And that mistake had seen one of their new allies slaughter, the large biological ship eviscerated in a powerful beam of energy. A pair of missiles from a V-Wing clipped the stabilizer of one of the strange ships, but it lined up it's shot anyways and fired, the laser barely missing the [i]Resurgence[/i], though shields depleted by fifteen percent. Getting on the COMS, he practically yells into them. {All boarding units, fall back to the [i]Resurgence[/i]! I repeat, fall back!} Jerus frowned as the message came through and looked to the others, who were all gathering around the turbo lift. After a moment's debate, he nods to himself and boards a turbolift. "I'm going on to finish this mission. All 302nd units are to fall back and see if you can secure a few Y-Wing hyperdrives along the way, but the rest of you can decide for yourselves if you want to come. I won't force you. Sounds like we're under attack out there."