[@Dezuel] [color=c4df9b][h2][center]O'Ner Faister [/center][/h2][/color] O'Ner felt so embarrassed into being talked into disguising himself as a woman, Even though he could have disguise himself as anything in the known world. But it was paramount that he uses this disguise to gain the trust of the group he was suppose to follow, Choosing to guise of a woman peasant. Having being dropped of by Azriel far enough form the camp that to give the illusion of him running away from the wolves that are tracking them. O'Ner who came up with the name Laura Palmer for the name of the woman he was disguising himself as, Making sure to his magic to show the effects of her dress being cut, and his human like body to be cut and bruise. Running away form the wolves that were sent out to track the group a few hours ago, As Laura he ran in any direction thinking that he would eventually run into the group. Yelling and screaming hectically waving his arms while yelling for help. He hoped that one of the people his group was tracking would notice a badly hurt woman, Falling over slamming his face into the hard ground breaking his nose. Oh how he missed being a human and the sensation of his body and emotions, But of course this was all an act and even with his disguise he was acting. "Help, Help me someone" Using his magic to change his voice to sound more feminine, Choosing a appearance of a pale white blonde hair looking pathetic and perfect to be helped by a passerby.