[img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4xYjgzN2MuVDJ4cGRtbGhJR1JsSUd4aElGUnZjbkpsY3csLC4wAAAA/julietta-signature.regular.png[/img] [color=gray][sub]Time - Morning Interactions - [@Mystress Nyx][/sub][/color] [hr] Oliva had almost fallen asleep when she heard a voice in front of her. A [i]real[/i] voice. It made her jump a bit on her seat as she opened her eyes and looked up at the girl in front of her. A girl with long blonde hair and big blue eyes. Gwen? That was her name, right? Olivia had seen her here and there for the past months but had never really talked unless it was just a greeting. Olivia didn't have many friends here besides those that were in her group therapy. She didn't even know if they were her friends to start with. Maybe therapy buddies? That didn't sound right. [color=008B8B]"Breakfast?"[/color] Olivia brought up a hand to cover her mouth as she yawned then rubbed some of the wetness off her eyes. Breakfast sounded good right now. She could ask for some coffee to help her stay up a bit longer while she tried to shake off her sleepiness. [color=008B8B]"Ah, sure"[/color] she gave Gwen a small smile as she stood up from the couch. Some food with another person wouldn't hurt. It was a nice change of pace for her since she tended to stick along most of the time. [i]Olivia...[/i] [color=008B8B]"I hope they are giving french toast."[/color] Olivia glanced over at Gwen as they made their way to the cafeteria. Eggs alone were getting boring after five months in the place. She had even added keptch to spice things up but gave up on the third day. [color=008B8B]"Oh, um, Gwen right? I'm Olivia by the way."[/color] She pulled on the hem of her shirt a bit and suppressed another yawn. She really needed a nap.