As I've already informed Wraith, I will be dropping from this RP. After a couple of months of both IRL/personal things slowing me down, as well as just a general lack of motivation to continue the story I was writing, I think it's time I withdraw the Titans. While I love the concept I came up with, and I do have an interest in sharing the story I designed, especially the surprise hooks, I just haven't been able to sit myself down to write for them in almost two months. That's on me, and I'm taking it as a sign to move on. Good news is, as per usual with me, as I didn't interact with anyone else the Titans history can be voided if others want to pick up the characters. There is a chance I may return down the line with a different character if I feel there is a story I am motivated to tell. If so, likely one faster-paced. But, for now, I wish all of you the best of luck and I hope this game keeps thriving on and is around for my (hopeful) return in the future.