[hider=Rory Labonte] [center] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/24daaba0-49cc-4fa8-b410-40385f60caff/ddh9mys-312d99be-8fc6-4db3-a7d2-aae78c59315b.png/v1/fill/w_400,h_502,strp/rory_babeytrtrftgy_by_saltyalien_ddh9mys-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTAyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjRkYWFiYTAtNDljYy00ZmE4LWI0MTAtNDAzODVmNjBjYWZmXC9kZGg5bXlzLTMxMmQ5OWJlLThmYzYtNGRiMy1hN2QyLWFhZTc4YzU5MzE1Yi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NDAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.iUSxdzUT9zmj0AGc1Xih2OMBhcJRmXPZAOt_T0fr97k[/img] [color=beige]"Life is a choice you make every day. But to stop living, that's a choice only made once." 【 Name 】 Aurora "Rory" Labonte 【 Age 】 23 【 Birthdate 】 6th of May (Taurus) 【 Perceived Gender】 Female 【 Sexuality 】 Lesbian [hr] 【 Appearance 】 Rory is a 5'5, uncomfortably bony individual. Her freckled skin is pale and sickly looking. It is home to many purple and yellow bruises - which she seems to get without reason - and old, faded scars scattered here and there. Rory's hair is thin, matted and has dark roots so long they have turned her hair into a gradient. Arguably her hair was fully bleach blonde once, but now it just looks like an unmaintained disaster. Rory's dull eyes are a grayish teal colour, and her angular face could be described attractive if she didn't look like she was dying. Rory's full, chapped lips look even bigger on her hollowed face, and her eyebrows remain strong and expressive. Inarguably underweight, Rory's clothes hang off of her frame and rarely fit her. She often wears men's size t-shirts coupled with shorts. She probably couldn't be any more low-effort if she tried. In an attempt to warm Rory, the body hair on her arms has grown wispy and long. Rory's fingertips often tinge purple, and they feel rather freezing to the touch. Because of her thoroughly unkempt appearance, Rory could be described as someone who has been raised from the dead rather than a living human being. 【 Why are you at Spring Hill? 】 Survivor's guilt, Danger to herself, Depressed When Rory lost her last friend due to her personal problems, she finally realised she needed to get better - if not for herself, then at least for the few people she cared about. After a bit of googling, Rory found an ad for Spring Hills and enrolled herself there, a decision she would likely come to regret many times later in her bad days. 【 Residency 】 3 months, of which she has spent most in isolation from others. 【 Negative Effects 】 Rory takes medication for a multitude of different things: depression, insomnia, blood pressure, and more. After beginning the medications Rory has started experiencing blood pressure even lower than would be normal for her. She gets heart palpitations and might faint from something as minor as a coughing fit. She doesn't think anything is amiss, however, as all of the symptoms could be explained by her weight and she knows that. Other symptoms she associates with her low weight are thinning hair, dry and discoloured skin, and absence of menstruation. The only out of place symptoms she experiences are the splitting headaches she gets, and the excessive bruising around her body. She bruises easily from any force, and sometimes bruises appear seemingly out of nowhere as tiny blood vessels are deteriorating underneath her skin. 【 Positive Effects 】 The medication has provided some normal positive effects, such as helping Rory fall asleep and aiding her in keeping her moods in control. What she hasn't figured out yet is that she has also developed an ability akin to something supernatural. [b]Lie detector[/b] - Rory knows when someone is lying, no matter how good a liar the person is. Whenever a person lies, Rory gets a nasty stab of a headache as an indication. This is a truly unremarkable power given that even if she knows someone is lying, she doesn't know what the truth is. Lately Rory has been able to pinpoint what the lie in a statement is, but this is just a minor improvement to her power. The weakness is that if the liar genuinely and fully believes they are speaking the truth, Rory won't be able to detect the lie. 【 Personality 】 【 Funny - Loyal - Passionate / Snarky - Rude - Apathetic 】 After the incident Rory has retreated into her shell. Not much is left of the outgoing girl made of high spirits and wide grins. She has fallen into the deep pit of apathy, simply not engaging with the world around her. The only thing that seems to remain the same is her quick temper, which often resurfaces from beyond the apathetic, blank look she carries. Rory - in all of her self-pity and self-loathing, is insufferable to be around. She goes out of her way to appear inconsiderate and deliberately hurt people's feelings, acknowledging her words might be hurtful and not caring anyway. It's as if she wants to push people away, as far away as possible to remain in her little bubble of self-hatred and misery. However, she appreciates justice and carries out her promises if she ever makes them. Rory is smart. She recognises her own behaviour and knows why she does it, but can't be bothered to try and better herself. Why bother, really? That seems to be her constant justification, a shield she uses to avoid giving a shit. She pretends so hard not to care about her own toxic behaviour that she might just start believing it. Rory has some good days, too. On those days it feels like a light has returned into her eyes. She isn't as much of an asshat on her good days. Defensive and snarky comments aside, Rory feels much like her old self on these days. It's on those days she doesn't take her anger out on others, but recognises that it is herself she's truly angry at. And on those good days she might even remember why she arrived in Spring Hills in the first place. Rory is tough and resilient. Her spirit - once awakened - is hard to squelch. When she forms a bond with someone, she will do anything for that person, not much caring of the consequences. To those who knew her before, truly the saddest thing has been seeing that fiery passion die. Without it there is really not much that makes Rory someone to be around with, and the woman recognises this. 【 Biography 】 It was all her fault. Had she just listened to her mother, had she just done that one thing differently, they'd still be there with her. One tiny thing and she could've prevented it all from happening. But no, she'd been lazy. She'd been rebellious. She hadn't cared because really, it's no big deal. [i]It was all her fault.[/i] Rory never lived a big, glamorous life, but she was comfortable. The small apartment her family lived in was old, but at least it was in a nice neighbourhood and close to a playground. It was nice. Comfortable. As an only child, being able to play with the other kids on the block was a saviour. It wasn't as if Rory's life was perfect. Her parents fought a lot, money was a bit tight from time to time, and she sometimes got herself in trouble for provoking the bigger kids. Life wasn't perfect, but it was her life, and she loved it. Well, until that one night. Rory was fourteen when it happened. Peak teen rebellion age, exploring boundaries and defying your parents just because. Of course, Rory had always been a bit of a troublemaker, but she was a good kid at heart. But who could blame her for ignoring her annoying, nagging parents sometimes? That's just the way it was supposed to be at that age. So what if her mother had told her to clean up her room a thousand times, and to move those piles of clothing off the floor? So what if her dad kept reminding to throw away that charger in her room for the wires being exposed? So what if they told her not to charge her laptop with it, and told her to wait until they could get a new one? That one fateful night, Rory knew why. And it was all her fault. 'It's an old apartment building,' people kept saying. 'You just couldn't have seen it coming. We're lucky the help got here before there were any more casualties,' they said. Rory didn't hear them. She knew what had happened, and she knew it had been all her fault. Her parents were [i]gone[/i], burned to a crisp or suffocated to death by toxic fumes... all because of her. It had to be all because of her. Because she had been impatient, she had been [i]stupid,[/i] she had been a [i]bad daughter[/i] who had used the faulty charger to charge up a laptop in a room full of dust and clothes. It had only taken one little spark, one little spark in a house with dry walls and old power outlets. Rory had waken up from the heat. Her parents hadn't. 'It wasn't your fault,' the firemen reassured. 'It was no one's fault.' But Rory knew different. She knew it was all because of her. 【 Trivia 】 - Rory has done pretty much every possible thing to harm herself - be it directly or indirectly. Mostly she just smokes like there's no tomorrow and drinks alcohol despite hating the taste. Her dramatic weight loss is due to intentional starvation on her part; all of this is her way of punishing herself, as she hasn't been able to reach forgiveness. - Rory can't stand people who pity themselves, although ironically she is the one swimming in self pity. Maybe that's exactly why she doesn't like them. - Rory has a trigger: fire. Which is truly ironic considering that she is a smoker. - Rory's blood type is B+ - Rory's favourite colour is yellow - Her favourite food are waffles - Rory likes cars - After coming to Spring Hills, Rory has genuinely gotten somewhat better. She has given up smoking half-willingly, has put on some weight and seems to be overall a slightly less terrible person. She really tries some days, and you can see it from her. It is on the days she's consumed by apathy that you really worry if she has decided to quit trying all over again. - Rory is from Canada, Quebec. She knows French. - Theme song: [url=https://youtu.be/sepnIuRbYF4]Hollow Talk[/url][/color][/center] [/hider]