[b]Glasslands, Eastern Val'gasra territory *6 miles from Xanathan influence[/b] "Gi,vel sahn! Gi,vel sahn!" a hive commander bellowed at his underlings, pushing them with commands to attack the new victim settlement. Screeches and roars emerged from the rocky cliffs as the Ji'gen hive raiders lunged forward, slashing and smashing through human soldiers and civilians. "Destroy this settlement, and claim it as our own!" another commander roared in human tongue. "Soon, we will move for the outsider's territory! Claim these lands for the Hive!" [b]Glasslands, Heart of Val'gasra territory[/b] Val'gasra workers moved and scampered, gathering all the flesh structure they could to cover Val'gasra territory. It was an ambitious project, but It would secure the health of both the Val'gasra young and adults, and boost Queen egg production and Queen birth rates. Worker production has been bolstered and Hive expansions are now frequent and increased greatly. The Val'gasra is preparing for war, and they intend to win it. [b]Glasslands, Val'gasara hive[/b] Val'gasara hive had not been this active since the birth of the Val'gasra empire. Eggs, larvae, and cocoons were being transported and produced constantly, and food intake was at an all-time high. But food was becoming more and more scarce with every batch of births, and raid chains were getting longer and longer with every raid. Prey was becoming harder and harder to find, and each assault and birth furthered that difficulty. Soon, Val'gasara hive will need to stop brood production. [i]Come on... come on... where are you?[/i] Val'gasara thought, trying to reach her daughter Vi'lan. "Where is my daughter! I cannot sense her presence in our land! I told her not to leave, I told her to stay! Where is she! Find her! Even if I must search the world itself, I will find my daughter!" Queen Val'gasara roared. After what seemed to be hours of searching telepathically, she found a faint call. [i]"hear me?..... ...you..."[/i] The voice spoke. [i]"Vi'lan! Come home, how could you be so stupid! My smartest, brightest daughter chooses to go into the unknown! Come back or I will drag you home myself!"[/i] she responded. "I found my daughter. Send a search party to the outsider's territory! Bring my daughter home!" she commanded to her underlings.