[centre][h2][colour=peru]The Hogtusk Tribe - Turn 4[/colour][/h2][/centre] “I’ve made my decision, ye gits,” Rog-mohog said proudly. For once, Torog and Gork stopped bickering and turned to the chief expectantly. Gork flashed Torog a smug smile and whispered, “I bet he’s gunna see it my way.” “None’a you are tellin’ the troof, so I’m takin’ the pig ‘n the cow,” the chief declared. Both the others’ jaws dropped to the ground. Gork raised his hand in protest. “Wot?! That wasn’t even an option, chief, ‘n--!” “It wos, ye git. I’m the chief!” “Buh-but…” Torog was at a loss. “Nuh, this ain’t roight. My sow was snatched roight unjustly, she wos. I demand recompun… Recompo… Recompusishun.” “Recompensation?” “Thassit.” “Well, you ain’t gettin’ it. That’s wot you get for lyin’ to your boss,” Rog-mohog declared and began tugging the cow along by the horn and the dead pig by the leg. “B-buh… I didn’t lie!” “Neither did I!” Gork added. Rog-mohog groaned. “See, now one of yous is lyin’! Let this be a lesson for ye - lyin’ to the chief is never good.” Gork and Torog stood dumbstruck as Rog-mohog walked off with his prizes. The chieftain heard them begin to argue again when he had gotten some distance away. To think, not only had he gotten himself some lunch, but he’d also fetched himself a cow ripe for breeding. He’d have to bring it over to Lop’s ranch later so he could get it bred. For now, though, he’d bring it to his own hut. The chief pulled his new property up the hill to his tent at the ankle of Big Rock. He gave his throne by the edge of the cliff a proud look and started lighting himself a fire. However, before he could get a spark going, he heard footsteps behind him. The unmistakable stench and mouthbreathing told him that it could only be one ogre on the planet: His wife, Porky. “Wot you eatin’, luv?” came a happy voice. Rog-mohog frowned. “Pork, as usual.” Porky plopped her behind on the grass and stared curiously at her husband making the fire. Her eyes flickered between the wood and her increasingly surly man. “Wot you want?” Rog-mohog eventually muttered. Porky clapped her hands excitedly. “Oh, you asked!” “Wish I hadn’t.” “Nuh, nuh, you gunna like this.” Seemingly out of nowhere, Porky produced a fistful of grasses and herbs. Rog-mohog looked unimpressed. “You picked some weeds. Good girl.” Porky frowned. “Nooooo! Smell them!” She shoved them in Rog-mohog’s face, nearly causing him to light the dry grass on fire. He tried to push her away, but Porky was strong - very strong. A few reluctant whiffs later, Rog-mohog actually found the smell to be alright - almost pleasant. “Wot issat?” “Herbs, luv. Found ‘em by the stream round the Rock.” “Wait, wait… Stream round the--... Oh, croikey! I was supposed to get stuff for the readin’!” “The spirit readin’? That’s tomorrow, innit?” “How do ye remember such things?” Rog-mohog looked at his wife in disbelief. Porky grinned and poked her temple. “‘S cuz I’m real smart.” She wasn’t, really - not even for an ogre. However, in this short moment, Rog-mohog found himself agreeing just a little. He eyed the herbs in her hand again. “Wot were these herbs for anyway?” Porky blinked. “Oh, roight!” She reached into the sow’s open belly, grabbed the intestines and pulled some out. With well-placed bites, she cut out a section, blew the contents out and sat squeezing out the rests. Rog-mohog looked on in disgust and morbid curiosity. “Wot you doin’, lady? We use the guts for rope, not eatin’!” “It makes for weak rope,” Porky replied, “But this, this was somethin’ Wololo made up in a dream.” “Was he smokin’ too much again?” “Y’know how it is, luv,” she said with a degree of pity. “Anyway, see, wot y’do is… Hang on, gotta chew somma this… (smacksmack) Mmm… Thash real good, MM! Now somma theshe herbsh... Roigh, now y’jush… Spi’ i’ roigh’ in ‘n… (ptew!) … ‘N there! A sosig!” Rog-mohog stared uncertainly and with some concern at the length of intestine, tied shut on one end and open on the other, into which had been deposited a mouthful of half-chewed herbs and pork meat, and which now looked like a stuffed sock. “Wot issat?” “A sosig!” “Wot’s a sosig?” “Pork meat in pork guts! See now, see now.” She held it over the fire for a while until the outside was charred and crisp. Then she handed it to her husband, who gave it a sniff. After a skeptical moment, he took a bite. The sosig tasted better than unseasoned pork, but only marginally. The herbs were interesting, but it couldn’t really compare with a thick slab of bacon. Still, it would be a nice way of using up those scraps nobody wanted. “How is it?” Porky asked. Rog-mohog swallowed and hummed. “Is a’roight. Wololo came up with this, y’say?” “He says all kinds’a rubbish. Last week, he was sayin’ we’ll ‘ave self-walkin’ cows, but these ‘ave wheels and we can ride ‘em. He calls ‘em ‘cars’.” Rog-mohog shook his head. “He needs to smoke less of that burnin’ bush.” He took another moment to ponder before clapping his hands together. “Roight! Proppa lunch time. Uh, Porky! Don’t mind if you make more sosiges, but I’ve got a job for you!” “Oh!” Porky perked up. “Wot kind, wot kind?!” “I need you to find me a dog’s toof, an owl feavvah, fresh moss and a dead ogre foot.” Porky’s expression lessed in enthusiasm. “You mean do your job for ya?” Rog-mohog shook his head. “No, no, see - I’ve found a boar bone plate.” He patted the boar carcass next to him. “Practically dun half the job myself.” Porky took a moment to think about this. “Huh… S’pose you ‘ave. Fine! I’ll be right back, then! Love ya!” “Oh, uh. Same, I guess,” Rog-mohog responded absent-mindedly as he flipped the porkchop he held in his hand to get a nice char on the other side. [hider=Actions] Torog ‘n Gork - The Foightenin’ C) Rog takes both the cow and the sow like a boss. Uffairz ov Stayte: X) Rog-mohog sends his wife Porky to get the rest of the materials after he himself acquires a boar bone plate. A+D) Sosiges are added to the ogre food pantry, starting a revolution in culinary culture! X) The spirit reading’s preparations are made… Tune in for the results next turn! [/hider]