A rift tore itself open and out flew a red TIE Interceptor into the domain. Instantly his starcraft almost lost it's spectrum, but because of the capable hands of the pilot it was dire. With the non-compliancy of coordinating hyper-space routes, even saved ones, because of the planets sonic dimensions Sebastian couldn't land because the dimensional readings were constantly shifting the base shades of the radar. Meaning it once used to be a demonic planet, and what everyone knows about space... Demonic planets killed themselves off to be happier amongst the galaxy. None the less he had to hunt these demonic beings and take over their science labs. Five hours later Sebastian Dabrowski had found his quarrey. And started to fire his laser-blasters hovering 1000 feet in that direction above it at the very citadel. A spire of the citadel fell off into the chasms of rock below the structure.