[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC4wODdkYTAuVDNOemRtbGxiZywsLjAAAA,,/showboat.regular.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/619684152169463818/628333800962916414/Ossvien_Map_Official.jpg[/img] [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Glasston[/color][/h2] Glasston is the largest continent in the world of Ossvien and it is the most wealthy. The capital is Whiteashe which is a very large port town full of culture. The continent of Glasston is where Elves, Humans, and Dwarves originated from, however now all the races live there as they are open to anyone. Still your largest population is of the three that originated there. They are ruled by a King and Queen with the king holding the most power and rulership being passed down to the firstborn son. If the King in power never has a son then rulership is passed on to the daughter. They also have the largest army and naval fleet out of all the countries. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Aelvale[/color][/h2] Aelvale is the second largest landmass in the world and is the original home of the Demi-Humans, Gnomes, and Halflings. The capital of this country is Greenley which is also a bustling port town. Although the vast majority of the population is the original three races, the next largest population would be the humans. There are all the other races living there as well, just not as many as those four. They are ruled over by and Empress which passes on to the chosen daughter so often times the Empress will have many children. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Strongwyn[/color][/h2] Strongwyn is the third largest country and the last one that holds any large amount of power. The capital is Linport and this country is the home of the Witches and the Djinn. These two races are still the large majority of who live there and they are ruled over by a Chief or Chieftess that is always a halfbreed of Witch and Djinn. How succession works there is the first born child, whether male or female, takes over when the previous ruler dies. They are always arranged to marry either a Witch or a Djinn depending on which race they are least like. The other children of the family will be married off to other ruling powers in order to strengthen bonds. This country is also where the vast majority of magic and magical items come from. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Eastholt[/color][/h2] Eastholt is a small little island that was mostly colonized by the Half-Breeds of the races as they wished to have a land of their own. To have a place where the people around them understood them as there are some areas of the world that aren’t as accepting of Half-Breeds. The capital of Eastholt is Zano. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Lavico[/color][/h2] Lavico is the island that Mermaids and Sirens originate from and has just in recent years opened its borders to the other races. The capital is Port of Silver. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Fallcliff and Sunken Reef Isles[/color][/h2] These two islands are populated with the pirates of the world. This is the pirates safe havens and they are well defended from other countries naval fleets. Both islands are completely surrounded by jagged rocks and shallow reefs that only skilled sailors that know the island know how to get through. They also have cannons surrounding the island which helps defend them from any unwanted visitors. Fallcliff’s capital is Dry Rum Haven while Sunken Reef Isles is Parlay Cay. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Fairway[/color][/h2] Fairway is the island where the Halflings originate from. Their capital is Ordon. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Ostwyn[/color][/h2] This is a pair of islands that used to be a part of Glasston, but has recently broken off ties with them as they wanted their own freedom. The island is mostly populated with humans and everything is very new there. They have recently placed a King and Queen into power and they’re still trying to figure out how to run things. The capital is Vertport. [h2][color=DarkTurquoise]Shadowmount Isles[/color][/h2] This is a mysterious, dark set of islands that everyone tends to avoid. None have ever actually stopped to explore the islands and survive. If you look closely while sailing past the eastern side of the islands you can see some buildings, but none know if there is any actual life on the islands. People in passing have named the few buildings you can see the capital of Shadowmount Isles and they call it Nohwa. Many swear there is something dark and evil about these islands and the fact of how many ships go missing near there makes most people steer clear of sailing past them.[/center]